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1. 30 Mar 2010 10:17


That should be 40, if that's wrong you can blame the Roman Numeral conversion site I used

Alright, onto a new word list (and thanks again to Qsilv for choosing to pass the torch to me). I'll give you until April 10 on this one, a little extra time because Easter is in there and it always seems a little crazy around holidays. The word count is 256.

The Mystic

I have a feeling Morrison is going to be the hated word on this one but I know you guys will rise to the challenge.

2. 30 Mar 2010 10:40


Dragon: The list looks fantastic! My mind is racing already.....busy, busy, busy buying a house so I'll have to get back to ya' with a few mind benders. Yeah, I think ya' got the Roman Numeral right. If I remember our beloved "Steelers" won the Super Bowl!!!

3. 30 Mar 2010 11:28


Awesome list! And yes the Roman Numeral is correct.

4. 30 Mar 2010 11:54


256 words and since no mention was made of word forms ... “hehehe”

The Way Things Work

“Why are you bummed?” It sounded like an accusation. He was in a dark mood; hadn’t noticed a thing before he came in.

“Morrison died.”

He spun around, unsteadily. “Whaduhyamean! We jes got tha piece of junk fixed!”

“Remember that hose you fixed? The gas-line thing? I was driving along Caravan and saw people pointing. Smoke and fire were pouring out the back. I parked at McPherson’s. There was a big pop. The back window shattered. Some A-hole kept saying, ‘It’s gonna blow! Tires gonna blow!’ ”

Saying that made me cry again. “Maybe that hose came loose? I don’t know but Morrison ... he burned to death.”

My first car, Morrison, VW Super-Beetle. I’d wanted a van, hence the name Morrison because it seemed funny. Turned out to be a good name. Respectable and fun. He drove through the blizzard in Wyoming, he danced on the back roads above Troutdale when I took him for moonlight rides ...

Derrick ran outside. (To see Morrison?) He stumbled back in, grabbed his brown jacket and left. Yeah, anything is an excuse to drink.

I thought of the palm reader. She said, “Your marriage ... you want out.” I’d about lost my uppers and considering I don’t have those, that was some experience. She’d eyed me strangely and said I’d meet 'The Mystic' and added she had no idea what that meant.

I figured I did know: my car was dead and I was going to file for divorce on Monday. Seemed mystical to me. Felt good too.

5. 30 Mar 2010 12:18


Dragon, Can we use forms of words? Can I use 9 Lives cat food Moris's son for example? Just kidding. Good list.

6. 30 Mar 2010 12:22


You pegged it, Marius. Take the uncomfortable word and rub it in. Cool.

7. 30 Mar 2010 15:53



The mystic told me to go to Morrison, Colorado. The small town is only 2 miles from Red Rocks Ampitheater. I had to hitch-hike from Morrison. Jane was with me. We eyed the caravan of cars and vans on their way to the show. Please pick us up. It's a steep up-hill slope.

The Easter sunrise service was running on schedule. We were supposed to celebrate the resurection of Jesus which coincides with fertile bunnys delivering fertile eggs to children. I think it's more of a Pagan holiday about the Spring and fertility. But me and my girl were right there.

First, a cop pulls over because we're illegally hitch-hiking and Jane says "Oh thank you, Officer. Our ride just dropped us off here and we need to get up the hill and into the service." He was a true gentleman and gave us a ride to the top. Jane winked at me.

Easter's actual date is set by lunar calendars. Different every year. It's the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Jane and I danced in celebration. The preacher was saying that this is the time to worship Christ's resurection.

I brought a bag of colored Easter eggs and hollow chocolate bunnies, but nobody wanted any. Not even the kids. This was a holy occasion with no joy and even the children were going along with it. "IT'S SPRING, DAMN IT" I yelled.

They threw us out and Jane and I danced in the parking lot. They can't reach us here.

8. 30 Mar 2010 16:23


giraffe - I like it! Whimsical ... a pretty feeling. (Forgive me for that if you need to, but that's what I got!) : )

9. 30 Mar 2010 17:40


Haha nice Giraffe! I agree with Marius its whimsical!

Marius, I love how you used Morrison! I got to get busy if I am going to write anything worth putting up next to you two and your genius!

10. 30 Mar 2010 18:58


Invisible Thread

Some famous movie star was asked why she had dated a man that didn’t fit her usual tastes. She replied, “Oh, that? It was raining and I was bored.”

That probably explains some relationships. Not sure how to explain mine. Right now we’re driving caravan-style to a conference. John is tapping to Van Morrison’s ‘Brown-eyed Girl.’ I am trying to understand what he means by ‘the Mystic Person,’ but don’t really care.

We were sitting on the cabin porch last night. We’d all stopped at Lake Ouachita State Park and rented a family-size cabin. John said, “Native people believe the moon is alive. What do you all think?”

I could feel people suppress moans. Finally Ginny said, “I think the moon is a round cut-out, suspended from an invisible thread and if time would speed up, we’d see it dancing, not sitting still like everyone thinks.”
John nodded approvingly. That got people talking but I felt relieved when we went to bed. That was when I had the dream.

The moon came and said, “Look into my eyes.” I thought that was funny! Was it going to hypnotize me? So I looked. They were the loveliest eyes! I’m not sure what happened next, but I haven’t stopped seeing those eyes all day, actually feeling them too. I’d like to tell John but he’d want to search for extra meanings and I get tired of that. I wish he could understand that sometimes, feeling something is all I want.

I decide to keep the eyes to myself.

11. 30 Mar 2010 19:00


Nylecoj, thanks for you kind words ... and, um, erm ... I know you have your own little genius. Yep, have seen it's work on these pages several times! Can't wait to see what fun you have with Dragon's list!

12. 30 Mar 2010 19:23


Yes, yes, I try to be clear and sometimes succeed! But, marius believes EVERYONE has their "own little genius." Everyone, no exceptions! Reason I call it little is because it's sneaky, easily over-looked or discounted ... but that little stinker is in every person I've ever met! : )

13. 30 Mar 2010 21:00


Thanks M & N. I was going for that weird dichotomy between the somber, guilt ridden holiday mixed with the more joyous Pagan celebration of Spring fertility. Bunnies and eggs. Ha.

14. 30 Mar 2010 23:26


Marius. Invisible Thread. I'll just keep my opinions to myself. I don't want to break your lunar concentration. I like Ginny. You should listen to her more. Moons on a string reminded me of Koonts' "Strangers".

15. 31 Mar 2010 05:32


haha, giraffe - marius wrote it, scratched her head and posted. Then laughter because marius can be like all those characters, sometimes like Ginny (and nice you like her), sometimes like the main character and sometimes like John, the kind who make MEGO. [MEGO being 'My Eyes Glaze Over,' borrowed from Dragon in Channel Baldur]. Tee hee - it's a feat to make your OWN eyes glaze over. : ) Have not read Koonts. Hmmm.

So keep your opinions to yourself if you want, or don't if you don't want. John will want to talk about it, Ginny will have fun, and ... main character will keep it to herself. (tee hee)

16. 31 Mar 2010 05:42


256 words excluding title....not the "little" genius you guys have been writing, but lets just call it a warm-up...

Legend Has It…

Morrison Hammerstein at your service miss! Let’s get started on your own personalized adventure through the moon lit trails of the ponderosa. There’s a lot to see so lets not dilly dally. I know you may be concerned at the time we are taking this treacherous walk, but I promise it is prime time for the experience of a lifetime.

Now over can stand a little closer if you the path where the caravan’s used to travel. If you listen real close you might hear the giggles of the girls who used to ride sidesaddle. No, we can’t go back to the van. I promise you’ll be thoroughly impressed and if I might add you might just want to dance a jig when we’re all done.

Over to your left is a stand of oaks. Legend has it that men wearing brown feed sacks over the heads with eyeholes cut out hung witches from these trees. I’m not into the mystical side of those types of things, but I have heard moans coming directly from this area.

I hear something Mr. Hammerstein. It’s just the wind my lady. Don’t be afraid. We are almost at our final stopping point in our journey. Here it is the covens’ cave. Now if you’ll follow me in, I’ll show you the best part of our tour.

The young lady entered unknowingly. A noose slipped over her head…gurgling noises as the blood and air combined while exiting through her mouth.

I told ya’ this was the best part.

17. 31 Mar 2010 06:42


hahaha, I love it, Doug!!! That was awesome! I was so not expecting the ending! : D

18. 31 Mar 2010 08:03


A couple of usage errors, Doug. Over here (not over hear) and caravans is plural without the apostrophe, but your imagination gets an A+++ on this one. I almost fell out of my chair.

19. 31 Mar 2010 09:37


Ooo, so much in such a short time, what rich batch so far. I believe giraffe asked about usages of the words, changes are fine so long as it's still basically the same word. Feel free to play with Morrison however you want, I'm a great one for cheating with the words I don't like or find challenging to fit in a story so go for it.

Loving them so far, can't wait to see what else you guys come up with.

20. 31 Mar 2010 09:43


Marius, you are such a story teller. I love the way you paint the pictures and characters in your stories...although, that second one was quite the head-scratcher. your little Easter story. Taking all the aspects of the holiday, and blending them...I agree with the others, it's very whimsical.

Doug...I'll never fail to be amazed by your ability to twist a story at the end. It's something I've come to expect from you, but you still surprise me with the twists you use.

Dragon...I love this list, but I'm really uninspired by it...I've been sitting here staring at it, and nothing is coming to me...