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Forums - Community - New mugdots

1. 15 Mar 2010 17:36


I'm camping on the Olympic Penninsula and haven't
found an internet cafe till today. My first idea is personal Symbols of Empowerment. What makes us feel good, whole, strong, and well. My other idea is crypto- zoology I am simply enamored of Bigfoot, Nessie, giant squid, chupacabra etc. What do people think? I'll check back tomorrow before I head toward Mt. St. Helens and home.

2. 15 Mar 2010 22:21


crypto-critters are probably easier to do, but oh wow, would I ever love to SEE what other folks think of as fitting for their personal empowerment...

(yeah, THAT didn't help much, did it... lol, sorry... but hey coho? I hope you're enjoying that area up there enough for all of us!)

3. 16 Mar 2010 03:11


Think Draw is my personal empowerment right now. To create something that is acceptable or pleasing to other TDers. This community is very special, inasmuch as praise is given freely and criticism is almost always (with rare exceptions) backed up with encouraging advice.

4. 16 Mar 2010 04:23


... and a special thank you to those dear kind people who gave me so much encouragement to 'get back in the saddle', when I so badly needed it.

5. 16 Mar 2010 08:26


I love the "personal empowerment" symbols idea. Most of my jewellry (pendants) was symbolic and personal. Recent years, I have worn a lot of"therapeutic gemstones" necklaces, also empowering. Some would doubtless be key books. None of these exactly lends itself to my TD skill set! The idea is most attractive, however. Hope Coho DOES decide to let this one run two weeks.

6. 16 Mar 2010 08:29


The Tarot card ID picture is old, but also a personal symbol.
By the way, Coho gets an easy number. This will be Mugdots 50 or L!

7. 16 Mar 2010 18:54


Ok Personal power symbols is it. It can be animals , plants , mandalas, minerals, ideas, shields,abstracts , heck, chocolate empowers me and always makes me feel good. I'm on the road home so we'll say this challenge ends sunday or monday. Thanks for choosing me I am honored.

8. 17 Mar 2010 01:08


Whoops! ...did someone say "chocolate"???? ;>

9. 17 Mar 2010 13:55


here it is my first tool of empowerment: my beloved guitar, wich was given to me when I was fourteen, and followed me for the last 41 years.

10. 17 Mar 2010 13:58


Qsilv - chocolate is my daily mental health pill!

11. 17 Mar 2010 14:11


Here is one empowering pendant. Artistic license (necessity). No green, it's all silver.

12. 17 Mar 2010 14:25


13. 18 Mar 2010 15:41

Heidi2323 As long as I can remember, I have had a pencil at hand or in hand. Drawing is my personal strength.

14. 19 Mar 2010 06:33


Oh Heidi, I was thinking to draw a pen! I can say the same for me, and I sometime say that I want to be buried with a pen between my fingers!

15. 19 Mar 2010 06:36


And this is another drawing about my empowerment. This coast embrace me and soothe my moods from april to november. Thewre I'm really free, really myself. I swim out to sea for 30-40', often alone, and this empowers me so much!

16. 19 Mar 2010 22:58

Camping alone in wilderness is one thing that feeds my soul.

17. 20 Mar 2010 11:46


18. 20 Mar 2010 14:30


Something that made me feel very empowered - the first car I ever owned, a 1976 Pontiac Acadian with now backseat and a wire filled hole in the dash where the radio should be. The symbol of this empowering item is, of course, the keys.

19. 21 Mar 2010 10:40


20. 21 Mar 2010 10:47


this is my best epowerment. In the last 17 years I gived my efforts in a no-profit organisation giving help, information and support mom-to-mom. THIS is empowering, my friends!