Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - Idea to separate basic pics from drawings

1. 12 Feb 2010 20:41


Would it be feasible to have two galleries?

One for drawings.

Another for the pictures comprised of taking animal pieces and putting them back together to make animals, taking flower pieces and making flower arrangements, taking face parts and putting them on heads, and taking fruits and creating fruit bowls. And etc.

I am not sure how to describe these two main types of finished products, but one is complex and requires think/draw, while the other is the simplest use of the tool.

People could enter their finished work in one gallery or the other, and a moderator would move them when not put in the right gallery.

Benefits of this distinction are obvious. What say you? Thanks.

2. 12 Feb 2010 21:09


ferretkiss, it's an understandable desire... and sweetly put, but here are a couple issues with it--

1 - there are some shady areas in there (I've been known to assemble the parts myself!)

2 - you mentioned the real deal-breaker... "moderator". TD has, we're pretty sure, a long-suffering crew of... um... one? maaaybe two.

Basically, it's helpful to think of this place as a private garden party we've been invited to come enjoy. Honor all the other guests and be gracious toward their littlest children and the occasional pestiferous uncle...


3. 13 Feb 2010 03:18


I would like to see good work one next to the other too..... but almost all of us began by putting together 3 or 4 pieces. That will depend on how many pages a day the gallery will have in the future. Of course if the number is great..... it will be a torture to go through all the flowers-animals-faces etc.... just to discover a masterpiece now and then or a picture of an acceptable level . Let's wait and see.
After all, Think Draw is DEMOCRATIC. Let's hope the number of pics allows us to continue like this... if not... some measures could be taken.
And..... I like the term PESTIFEROUS uncle

4. 13 Feb 2010 14:42


Some of the simple kid pictures are great and I enjoy seeing them. there's technically good drawings and then there are drawings that are simple but put across thoughs and feelings and I value both equally. I like the jumble.

5. 13 Feb 2010 14:44


I've always thought a kids gallery would be cool, where they could set up their own challenges and communicate with each other.

6. 13 Feb 2010 17:20


This is not to say that the simple drawings are not good. Nor that some people will have drawings in each gallery. Nor that the simpler-drawing gallery would not be viewed just as much (or more) than the other. I feel that many replies to this suggestion are "false negatives". :shrug:

The issue I see is that a time-consuming, sophisticated drawing will quickly scroll to page 7-8-9-10 in the gallery, to be unseen, while the previous pages are filled with fruit bowls, flower vases, and template heads.

There is a TRUE difference in drawing types. The think/draw method uses the pieces as chips or stamps to construct something new. The simple type of drawing used the pieces at face value.

7. 13 Feb 2010 18:05


er... false negative? Who are you nominating for Moderator?

8. 13 Feb 2010 19:20


Yes, false negative. As an example, the assertion that this will not work because it would require more moderators is a false negative. This concept does not *require* a moderator. If the forum not having sufficient moderators is a problem, there is still value in the members self-sorting their submissions.

I am not going to continue to argue this point. I have put it here for consideration, and if it is not liked by the membership, then so be it. However it is frustrating to read a series of false negative replies, thus my recent replies.

9. 13 Feb 2010 19:54


A nice thing about the follow feature is that if you find a picture you like, you can start to follow that artist and it will always be easy to find their work. Have you found this feature?

As fast as the gallery can fill from time to time, except when I have taken off a few days or weeks from TD, I don't think I have had to scroll through more than 5 or 6 pages (maybe not even that) to get through new thumbnails. I don't find scrolling through to be a problem.

10. 13 Feb 2010 21:47


Ferret, i agree with you, they are very different and i'd like to see multiple galleries.- for the time being I use the sort feature to help with this- the think/draw pictures tend to get more votes - not that they are better but that that's the way it seems to work... so i sort the gallery into "most ratings"and 'this week" and that helps- obviously some pictures slip through the cracks but it makes it easier to find the kind of drawings that I enjoy most.

11. 14 Feb 2010 03:11


Hi ferretkiss..

I have to admit that I'm not at all sure where you're coming from with the 'false negatives' thing - you put forward a suggestion, and the people who've answered have given you their honest opinions.

You've only been on TD for a month and are maybe thinking that your efforts aren't being recognised for what they're worth - which a LOT of people think - and most of us are aware that good pics just get washed down the pages.

But 'not *require* a moderator' .. I hope you're joking ? I've asked TD to change the 'add to showcase' option so that people have to intentionally go to a separate page to tick that box, but they don't seem happy to do that - and every new TDer thinks that that's what you have to do to get your pic put in the gallery - result : the showcase looks just like the gallery most of the time.

A website like this does self-regulate to a very small extent - but as it's totally open, there are no 'rules', and no 'members self-sorting their submissions'.. just ain't going to happen, unless you start restricting the membership.

As Qsilv said - it IS like you've been invited to a garden party - so just bear with it, be thankful for the opportunity to play free of charge (& meet nice people !) and support ideas like coho's for a 'kids gallery'.

The 'membership' (i.e. us) does not have much of a say in what they 'like' or 'don't like' - you can put a suggestion forward to ThinkDraw, just like anyone can, regardless of who else agrees or disagrees - and your chance of being answered is exactly the same as those of us who've been on here 6 months or more.

BTW.. 'Kung hey fat choy' to you - and I thought your last pic was great !

12. 14 Feb 2010 03:58



13. 14 Feb 2010 04:13


Umm.. is that you, polenta ?

14. 14 Feb 2010 05:49


Separating pics in 'complex' and 'simple' might even appear as offensive for some artists. Not to mention the number of already mentioned inconveniences. I enjoy browsing through the gallery as it is right now. It's true that sometimes good pics get swept away too soon, but most artists have their work 'located' by others through some simple 'tricks':
- getting the pics in the showcase/forum/challenges
- being followed...this kinda' equals to already having an interesting gallery I suppose...
As for new artists, good ones are usually discovered. The most rating filter that Arw65 mentioned combined with the good 'sense of art' of the TD public usually gives a good result. It's old, inactive artists I'd worry about...I've noticed some TDers (including myself) are still folowing them, even though there's little hope they'll come back one day. I think this is a very nice way of bringing them an omage...having them linked to our page so the new ones may find them more easily.

15. 14 Feb 2010 06:15


I can't help being a teacher!!!
Polenta, polenta behave yourself.... forget you're a teacher. LOL

16. 14 Feb 2010 06:21


Deep inside myself and if I follow my instincts I would agree with Ferretkiss because I adore to see good, creative, original, innovative pics. But I have to refrain, I know, because this is like in politics.
Many times we would vote someone as president who we know is the RIGHT ONE.... but it's not what we think or we like..... it's what the majority says, chooses or likes.
Democracy is not what is correct... it's what most people want... and it's giving everybody a chance.
But still .... who doesn't like to see beautiful pics?

17. 14 Feb 2010 06:22


SORRY I should have said "refrain myself".

18. 14 Feb 2010 11:07

Jason15 <<< this is a great example of think drawing ...

19. 3 Mar 2010 08:18


Top 5 for February came out and surprised me how many I had never seen!