Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - PICTURES ARE NOT SAVING!!!!

1. 7 Feb 2010 03:43


Be careful. I have lost a drawing as I thought it saved and did not. I played with some junk and tried to save and had the same result (just wanted to make sure it was not a misclick on my part)>>>>

2. 7 Feb 2010 04:04


Sorry - your picture (and junk pictures) have now been saved, and the problem fixed.

3. 7 Feb 2010 05:08



4. 7 Feb 2010 07:21


Is it possible to rescue my nearly completed red telephone box, please.

5. 21 Feb 2010 09:52


I lost a picture I've been working on for over 5 hours. I saved the draft each time and it reloaded fine everytime I wanted to work on it again. This morning it would not load completely and then the picture and drawing elements froze. Is there any way to get it back?

6. 21 Feb 2010 10:03


Suggestion: If there is a limit to the number of pieces that can be used in a picture, it would be helpful to have a pieces counter or memory warning.

7. 21 Feb 2010 10:20


Hope you get that picture back!!!

8. 21 Feb 2010 11:16


My sympathy, mrozowski. Some drawings have been retrievable ... I've got my fingers crossed for you.

9. 21 Feb 2010 13:18


five hours!!!! Sorry!

10. 21 Feb 2010 13:44


5 hours is a conservative estimate. I was really trying to make it as close to the original image as possible. Had been working on it ia few nights this week and finished it late last night. Now i just don't feel like drawing. I have a screenshot of it near the end of the process, but not the final picture. Sigh...

Thanks for all your support.

11. 21 Feb 2010 14:15


Sorry to hear that Mrozowski...i know what you's pretty difficult to re-make something, plus it usually doesnt turn out as good as the first time. Very sorry, again...

12. 21 Feb 2010 21:10


Mrozowski - Is there any update on your loss of work? You must be devastated after such effort - I do hope they can get it back for you.

13. 21 Feb 2010 21:42


oops just lost what I was drawing..... any chance of my witch back please?

14. 22 Feb 2010 12:25


mrozowski, try clicking on FEEDBACK and sending a message direct to Rachel. I know some can't be retrieved but, occasionally, some people have been lucky.

15. 22 Feb 2010 16:49


Thanks, Login. I did send a message directly to Feedback yesterday. Haven't heard anything yet.

16. 28 Feb 2010 10:52


Still no reply here or on email. How often are the forums checked?

17. 28 Feb 2010 15:12


I'm not sure but TD usually reply to the feedback button. Sorry if you've lost your work.

18. 28 Feb 2010 21:03


We replied to your email on 23rd Feb, not sure why you didn't get the email.

We are really sorry about the work you lost, but I am afraid that there is nothing we can do. It sounds like you lost your internet connection at the time you loaded the draft. We have been having problems with our server, but in those cases pictures and drafts are still saved. We are looking into adding an auto-save or back up of pictures to the site in future.

19. 1 Mar 2010 01:16


Thank you ... that is encouraging news.

20. 1 Mar 2010 06:26


It is! And it's kind of you to let us know you're working on it.

I can imagine planning and incorporating things into this site is no walk in the park for you.

But losing (or the threat of losing) hours of one's "drawing" is one of the hardest issues to cope with here. The emotional impact is amazing.

Hours spent drawing/painting/assembling here are just not the same as hours spent playing video-type games where one EXPECTS there to be nothing left at the end of the session.

ThinkDraw is amazing. Thank you for it!