Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - PROFILE PICTURE

1. 4 Jan 2010 05:46


Do all of you have the box to change the profile pic?
My profile pic has changed and I haven't done it and I don't have the box in order to change it.

2. 4 Jan 2010 05:52


Mine is there, under every pic. There have been some glitches though, marg & I have had comments disappear yesterday.

3. 4 Jan 2010 05:53


Dyou have the 'Edit Details' button under every picture, polenta ?

4. 4 Jan 2010 05:57


Hey, polenta .. I'll send an email to Rachel, just in case you can't !

5. 4 Jan 2010 06:01


Polenta, I have left a message one of your pics.

6. 4 Jan 2010 06:12


I hope this makes sense polenta. I haven't a clue if it translated properly.
Polenta que pienso usted tiene un problema grave de la seguridad y usted debe cambiar su contraseña. ¡Cuándo usted dijo que usted pensaba que usted tuvo a un pirata informático, yo tuve una adivinación en su contraseña para verificar si usted fue seguro y adivinó enseguida! Escoja por favor algo que nadie adivinará, entonces ellos no pueden cambiar su imagen de perfil ni comentarios de marca, como si de usted.

7. 4 Jan 2010 06:46


Puzzler, I understand what you said although the translation is of course not perfect.

8. 4 Jan 2010 07:22


Polenta, we have responded to your feedback messages. Please check your email. Thank you.

9. 4 Jan 2010 11:42


Thank you everybody and especially Rachel. It seems I am again the owner of my account and of my profile picture.
Thanks to everybody.

10. 4 Jan 2010 11:57


So what happened? Do tell...

11. 4 Jan 2010 11:59


Nothing Matthew. I´ve got a new password. That´s all. Thanks for your interest.