Think Draw Forums
Forums - Think Draw Feedback - anonymous drawings

1. 7 Nov 2009 18:17


Dear Rachel.. hope you haven't disappeared again just yet !

I was thinking about the various pleas for an 'anonymous' userid, but what I'd really like would just be a tick-box option to submit a drawing anonymously, in rather the same way that we can tick a box to enter a drawing in the Showcase.

Ideally, it would be possible to 'untick' both boxes, if you wanted to - i.e. you could remove pictures from the Showcase or remove the 'blank user' from your drawing - but the anon. picture would NOT appear in your personal gallery while the box remained ticked.

What this would mean is :

ANYONE could submit an unknown drawing, without having to sign on as someone else

any comments made would always appear under your own userid (so you'd have to be careful about commenting on your own 'unknown' pictures !)

you'd be able to save 'unknown' drawings as a draft, without the risk of someone else logging on and deleting them by mistake

Love to know what you think, and whether any of this might be possible !

2. 7 Nov 2009 21:38


great idea marg! that would be perfect.