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1. 14 Sep 2009 11:29


Wasn't sure how to post this so it is in two places.

Think draw X X - word list & rules

Words 10 ( can be plurals as well)
At least 200 words but no more than 300.

1) Kaleidoscope
2) Whimsical
3) Nuance
4) Velvet
5) Pyramid
6) Texture
7) Umbrella
8) Crimson
9) Dream
10) Hologram

I look forward to reading all the entries.

2. 14 Sep 2009 15:16


Mouse, I love this word list!

235 words, not including title.


Elisabeth hates the texture of velvet because it tickles her skin. She prefers rough fabrics. She never uses fabric softener; she says it’s a waste of money. She’s not miserly, but she really hates soft fabric.

Elisabeth carries her umbrella on sunny days.

“You never know,” she says with a whimsical smile on her face.

She’s a pessimist with the face of an optimist.

Every morning she looks at herself in the mirror with bright eyes and upturned lips. She lines her eyes in charcoal grey and paints her lip in a subtle pink. She avoids the crimson she preferred in her younger days.

She works on the fifth floor of office building. She never uses the elevator.

She’s a secretary. She’s been a secretary at various offices for fifteen years. She’s always cheerful, though she feels trapped.

On her desk, where many people would put a family photo, she has colored blocks stacked in a pyramid.

She has every nuance of her boss’s day planned, in intricate detail, but she can shuffle events around without blinking an eye.

She used to dream of being someone else’s boss, of being able to make the rules. Now, that girl seems about as real as a hologram.

Elisabeth wants to see the world explode in a kaleidoscope of color, but wears the same charcoal grey suits every day. Sometimes, she wears a pink scarf around her neck.

3. 14 Sep 2009 15:32


I'm not sure on exactly what nuance means, and I think I used it wrong...

4. 14 Sep 2009 15:51


i believe you used it correctly!

5. 14 Sep 2009 16:27



What a marvelous story, I can really picture this woman , in my minds eye, where her dreams and reality are not the same. Where see longs to be something she is not-- Very well done

Nuance means: subtle difference, I think the way you used is fine.

6. 14 Sep 2009 19:06


216, counting title, since the title is one of the words on the list.


I sit here in the desert and gaze at the pyramids. They’re huge and imposing with nuances in the brown shade. The air is hot and dry and it blurs the sandy scenery around me. I smile and close my eyes, and let the hot sun beat down on my face. My mind wanders.

A cool breeze touches my cheeks. I open my eyes to see green everywhere. I lean back against a tree. Dim light seeps in through the canopy of leaves overhead. I shift, and feel the rough texture of the bark against my back. I hear the calls of birds over head, and a soft buzz of insects. My mind wanders.

I run my hands over the soft velvet of my crimson dress. I carry an umbrella in one hand, a fancy little thing that is more for decoration than protection from the rain. A tall, beautiful man takes my gloved hand and leads me out into the crowded ballroom. My mind wanders.

Then, like a dream, I’m inside a kaleidoscope, and am left with a feeling of whimsical wonderment as the colors move around me, break apart, and reform in a precise swirling pattern.

An electronic voice comes out of the colors.

“Session ended. Please reenter your credit card to continue.”

7. 15 Sep 2009 05:42


midnight poet
This is superb, such imagination. I was expecting the story to end as a series of dreams. I really like the way it ended.

8. 15 Sep 2009 09:55


Just for fun and I love to participate in ThinkWrite here's my story.
300 words not including title.

The Fun House

It started out as a dare from my best friend Dale.

Crimson Cove was a sleepy town in Oregon with victorian style homes adorned with velvet curtains. Each day, Dale and I would walk to school and pass the Sanford house. It looked more like the broken pieces in a kaleidoscope that a “normal” home. The yard was unkempt with pine trees that blocked the sight of the broken peeling shutters and the front porch that looked like an accident waiting to happen.

Oh, I’m sorry I digress.

One day as Dale and I passed it he dared me to go in.

In my wildest dreams I never thought I would, but….

We had a plan. After dinner we would sneak out and meet on the corner near the house. I would wind my way over and gain entrance through the front porch window. He would wait behind the neighboring houses bushes to laugh as I chickened out.

I crept, then ran fearing I would chicken out and bounded onto the porch hearing the snap of a floor board as I landed. I didn’t need the window. One nuance I hadn’t counted on was that the front door was ajar, an invitation maybe. I slithered, yes slithered inside in a whimsical fashion as I spotted a yellow umbrella sticking out of a couch cushion. As I felt my way along the walls my back bristled as the texture was more like leather than walls. I reached a small end table. On it sat a glass pyramid with brightly colored glass prisms that made the inside look more like a hologram than a paper weight.

I had my prize and proof for Dale.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you. That front door closed itself when I snuck back out.

9. 15 Sep 2009 10:58


Doug, what a well told story of bored and rebellious kids...and I love the "oh yeah" at the end. Great way to wrap it up.

10. 15 Sep 2009 11:42


Another really good visual story. I like when i can actually see the scene unfold as I read . And I liked the "prize" as proof of his daring escapade

11. 16 Sep 2009 06:14


I forgot to set a deadline date-- Submissions should be in by the 20th--I will pass torch on 21st--have fun creating

12. 17 Sep 2009 13:54


Is there a direct link to ThinkWrite? I can only find this much through archived forums on There should be a homepage. Got one?

13. 17 Sep 2009 14:37


Scroll to the top of the page and click on Forums ... you will find a choice of three.

14. 17 Sep 2009 14:58


When you click on Forums , of the 3, click community to see Think Write XX

15. 18 Sep 2009 00:15


My Candle

Walking home the other night, it started to drizzle rain. As if I was on automatic pilot, I caught myself thinking "Damned rain. Why me?"

Half of my umbrella was collapsing and I glared straight ahead in familiar anticipation of getting home to my lonely abode. That's when it happened. It must have been the pyramid candle in the shop window that reminded me of more youthful times when 'pyramid power' was the craze and life was more exciting. I was awakening as if out of a bad dream.

"What's happened to you, Ron?" I thought. "You used to feel so whimsical and romantic in drizzly weather." I was right. Somewhere along the line I had forgotten the simple pleasure of watching the kaleidoscopic patterns of oil on puddles - the swirl of crimson, violet and green - the velvet texture of cool rain on my skin . "When did I become so miserable? And why?"

So I pitched the umbrella into a street can, turned around and went to the shop that sells holograms and miscellaneous fun stuff. This gesture was no nuance, I boldly bought the pyramid candle, tucked it under my arm and strode it proudly home. I'll never burn that candle again.

Some day I may wonder "Which was the dream? The drizzling gloom or the happy rain?" But I don't think I'll really care.

16. 18 Sep 2009 02:20


Wow! Welcome to ThinkDraw, giraffe.

17. 18 Sep 2009 05:21


Only 4 days left to submit stories--hope to see a few more

18. 18 Sep 2009 07:52


giraffe: Welcome to ThinkWrite. Its always nice to see a new face. I hope you continue to contribute to our ongoing storytelling showcase.

19. 18 Sep 2009 08:23


welcome to thinkwrite, giraffe!

I really, really liked your story. I can't put my finger on why, but I think it's going to stick with me.

20. 18 Sep 2009 08:34


Giraffe - Welcome to Think Write

You story is very imaginative. I very much enjoyed reading it. How many of us have forgotten to walk in the rain and enjoy as when we were kids. Reminded be of less stressful times. Thanks for the memories.