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Forums - Community - Inspiration

1. 13 Sep 2009 17:28


I'm sure that I am not the only TD-er to have gone through this but ..............I'm having trouble finding the inspiration to draw anything.

So if anyone has any Suggestions or requests, I'd be grateful to hear them.

2. 13 Sep 2009 17:49


Arw, I'm not much help in the inspiration department, but I wanted to let you know I'm a HUGE fan of your drawings. I don't know where you've gotten your past inspiration to draw, but it's definitely working. Perhaps you're a tad burned out and need to take a little time off. At any rate, I look forward to your next drawings, and hope all's well with you and your family.

3. 14 Sep 2009 05:17


Other pictures, paintings, drawings, commercials, photographs??????
What I'm looking forward to is the promised new medium. This would help build our inspiration a little more. Your production is great , versatile and varied. ... and you produce A LOT OF excellent pics.

4. 14 Sep 2009 06:52


You sure seem "inspired" to me and awfully talented. A couple of your dragons were the best I've ever seen!!!

5. 14 Sep 2009 11:31


Do you mean you just can not think of a subject to draw or do not feel like drawing?? Suggestion for a subject-- PIRATES

6. 14 Sep 2009 14:11


I know how you feel Arw! I have had no inspiration here lately either. Not untill I saw "who would win" Superman or Batman in my highlights section on my home page last night. I also cant find any inspiration for Think Whrite which I love. I think Im just stressing over work!!!! Maybe you could try, if the weather is right, just going outside and throwing a blanket on the ground lay back and cloud watch. See what images you can find. That was a trick our art teacher in college told us to try. It sounded silly but it worked!

7. 16 Sep 2009 14:20


Have you ever read the Never Ending Story? I thought it would be awesome to draw the 'nothing' from it, but I can't figure out how, all my attempts don't even start to show what it is.