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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XVIII

1. 27 Aug 2009 12:46


Thanks Much!! I am amazed to have this handed to me, as I don't feel nearly as creative as all the regular writers here! So here goes:


The torch has been exchanged- time to get up off my knees- to take up the thinkwrite yoke-oh my! The list must be worthy! Let me take a moment to gather a dignified group! I must slip in words that won't be too much a problem- don't want anyone to be possessed (like with Baldurs enduring word search!) So here they are! And to add something unique- you may use BETWEEN 175 & 200 words!!!

(That was a 75 word introduction using all words on the list! LOL!!)

Hope ALL have fun!!!!

2. 27 Aug 2009 13:00


I forgot! Will pass torch in 'bout a week! (sometime Thursday afternoon/evening) Write on!!!!

3. 28 Aug 2009 07:39


By Doug

Enduring memories of my childhood are just fleeting moments of time now that I’m in my 40’s.

I remember the first time I exchanged blows with my brother Tim. It wasn’t a dignified battle, but I pushed him down. I didn’t tell my friends it was a slip on wet grass that did him in.

A memory worthy of an imprint on my yoke of a brain happened on a tall snow-covered hill with a big oak standing ready at the bottom to ensnarl my belly. You’d thought I had been possessed! I got up and fell to my knees certain I was to DIE! Mom and Dad just shrugged it off. I was writhing in pain sure that a moment couldn’t be lost in finding a hospital.

I also suffered from Asthma when I was a child and one night I had no breath at all. My problem went unnoticed by my “ever-attending” father sleeping in the recliner next to me.

I guess childhood memories last forever after all. Maybe those memories shape our existence.

4. 28 Aug 2009 10:55


Interesting piece, Doug.
It really is interesting to note which memories stay with us, and which ones effect our choices, thoughts, and actions long after the event.

5. 29 Aug 2009 08:24


Those two incidents (sled accident and asthma attack are true stories. I still bring it up once in awhile to my mom and dad. Never once did they take me to the hospital. My kids go to the ER at the drop of a hat, admittedly mostly because of the CF complications, but still it left a definate imprint on my psyche. Thanks for the comment.

6. 1 Sep 2009 10:35


Dearest Doug~ I love when someone uses the words to make a true story~ like the words were handpicked for them! Apparently this list WAS inadvertently picked for only you, so I've come up with a NEW list that others might find to their liking! This is a list of homonyms, so each word has two meanings, therefore giving greater creative possibilities to all! Write On!

wound sow recover lead console Still same rule on # of words~ BETWEEN 175& 200 words.

tear row present entrance bow

7. 1 Sep 2009 11:56


Making list clearer!


Between 175 & 200 words.

8. 1 Sep 2009 14:12


I really want to write I've just been so busy lately. I'm really gonna try and get thinking on these lists.

9. 1 Sep 2009 14:57


Thanks Dragon! Everybody~ Guess you can use either list or both together if you feel really energetic!

10. 1 Sep 2009 16:28


Amazing how many homonyms end in 'ow'. I have a cunning plan as to how to use them, well, we'll see how cunning it is once I actually start writing.

11. 1 Sep 2009 17:59


Here you go lynnspotter, I'm well over the limit but I think I should get points because I used the words from both lists and I used each word in the second list twice (as different homonyms). Hope you enjoy it and that it gives other writers some ideas for their stuff too!

Memories, Mud and Moments of despair.

You’re perhaps asking what possessed a dignified little slip of a woman like me to try to recover a lead wheeled wagon out of a muddy ditch without so much as a goat to pull the yoke. A year ago, when the most enduring problem I faced was what day we should sow a row of seeds in the vegetable garden, I would have laughed at anyone who suggested I might find my most worthy self on my knees in the mud trying to lead a wayward wagon back to the entrance to our farmyard. Bowed in the ditch, a tear of frustration in my eye, a wound on my arm where the rope I’d wound around it slipped I would have exchanged places with anyone. It seemed like the good times of the past were only a moment ago sometimes. Like when my husband gave me an anniversary present and I found myself entranced by the shiny bow on top and couldn’t wait to tear into colourful paper. Like when we spent a weekend recovering the sofa with crisp new fabric. Like when he was there to console me after losing my beloved dog. Like when we made love in his car with only light of the dashboard console to illuminate us. Back before we had that terrible row. Before he left me with a worthless farm in disrepair and a slat sided nag who dragged the wagon into the ditch before dying in the traces. Before he presented me with divorce papers and went off with some lithe young sow to make him feel youthful. Yes, I miss my most worthy and dignified self, I fear she’s gone for good and I’ll be here in this ditch forever cursing a man I once loved and a dead horse I never wanted. They always say ‘this too shall pass’ and I must believe that or I might as well lay down in the mud and give up for good.

12. 2 Sep 2009 17:38


Lynspotter: Two sets of words? Are you sure you're not Ron. lol. Here's a funny with the original list. I'm working on one for the second killer list.

The One Vote Bandit
By Doug

How can we call ourselves dignified and still put up with the antics of the One Vote Bandit (OVB)? This has been an enduring, never ending problem on ThinkDraw for how long?

Maybe a little research is in order to unmask the perpetrator. Some say that once a Top5 worthy picture is posted it immediately gets its knees taken out by the ever-clever OVB. Or maybe the “Matthew conspiracy theory” is true and one of his alter egos, probably Baldur, has run amok over our beloved pages of thumbnails.

She or He must be possessed by gremlins! They out to be exchanged for two dog noses and a daisy, not glorified by endless screaming threads where they only bask in their glory.

Is the OVB a high profile “artista” or a more common pig-eared yoke.

Soon, with a slip of the lip (or a full disclosure of votes) there will be a moment when the OVB will be exposed, shunned by the rest of community and thrown into the delete trash bin.

13. 2 Sep 2009 17:51


And with the second set of words a free-wheeling style poem/story if you believe in such things. lol.

The Red Balloon
By Doug

Tiny strings wound around a red balloon.
A tear drop forms on its mylar form.
Sow the seeds of endless loops of string.
A row of smiley’s hugs its smooth surface.

Then it pops and cannot recover.
The air hisses like a snake deflated.
It is lost, a present from my mother.
Lead by thin cord and fingers tight,
No need to console me if it takes flight.

I pause at the entrance to the store
And bow before the rooms filled with hordes of new ones.
Tearing thru the aisles I seek
Row after row of balloons do peek.

Strips of lead pipe twisted into pretzels hold the strings down and present a beauty of a display.

I stumble, then recover almost falling in a row of sticks tied with bows.
Popping up in front of my nose a purple sow shaped balloon nearly gave me a wound.

Tis the end tho’ as the console of my chevy is adorned with red balloons as I wave back at the entrance to heaven, the balloon store.

14. 2 Sep 2009 19:14



The soldier was proud to lead his troops through the field. The farmer was looking over the barnyard, proud of his hard work. The old sow, Lucy, was ready to tear through the wooden gate at the entrance of the sty. She had a nasty wound received from an attack by the bull brought in two days ago and nothing could console her. The poor thing, was so badly hurt there was no comfort for her.

The troops looked hungrily around the farm, eyeing Lucy and imagining the feast they could have. Farmer Jones ambled up to the soldier who seemed to head the group, “best not get any ideas about my girl Lucy.” Don’t worry farmer, we ain’t got any intention of touching your pig.” Just want to make sure you know my feelings soldier. I can provide you with some vitals. At that, he made a bow with his head and walked away. The farmer began with the first row of corn and began filling the bag. Sitting under the trees, the troops watched as Farmer Jones gathered the food for their meal. They would have a feast that fit for a king.

15. 3 Sep 2009 16:43


Thanks for your entries KM, Dragon, & Doug! REALLY enjoyed them! KM, I'd be one to save the sow-I used to try to catch baby pigs when a girl- scared many people with my antics! Dragon, ain't that just like life!? Ingenious using ALL the word lists + homonyms BOTH ways!!!! Doug , I could say you won on shear volume, ALL your writing is great, but the OVB tale made me howl with laughter!! SO, on to ThinkWrite XVIV or XIX or what ever 19 is in Romanese!!! Congrats Doug!!! Wright ON!!!!

16. 3 Sep 2009 17:08


Thanks Lynspotter! It is quite an honor to be the torchbearer and on my birthday to boot! Its off to the "war zone" for me (work) in a few minutes. I'll get started on the next list in the morning. Thanks again!

17. 4 Sep 2009 05:31


I'm new to this so please bear with me if I mess up-- My humble narrative :

The young man stood as if possessed by her startling beauty. She was an amazing thoroughbred. He had on many occasions observed enduring qualities as she ran free as the wind in the open field.
Now, the moment had come when he would slip his foot into the stirrup. His knees shaking in anticipation as he sat in the saddle and wondered if he was worthy to ride such an elegant beast. He knew he must take up the yoke of courage and conquer his fear. He gently eased his heels into her side ,and with a gasp of air, both rider and stead where off on an adventure.

18. 4 Sep 2009 10:17


Thanks for your story mouse! I used to LOVE horseback riding! I had already passed the torch to Doug for the next ThinkWrite, so be sure & write again in that thread!!