Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - intruducing my self

1. 20 Aug 2009 08:13


HELLO everyone...I am Relena, a new member in this AMAZING Site .....and I really want your help in giving me the most important info about this what is excatly a showcase?,how can u get to top 5? .....etc .
I loved ALOT of pics in there ,they are really creative.
and PLEASE dont forget to rate and comment on my pics....

2. 20 Aug 2009 10:07


Hi relena. Glad you're enjoying the site. There are a lot of us who have a great deal of fun here.

3. 20 Aug 2009 10:26


thanks Dragon for your replay. I am sure I will find a lot of fun in here.

4. 20 Aug 2009 11:21


Fun is a good thing... I like it in excess...

5. 20 Aug 2009 13:35


Welcome, Relena!

This link leads to the general "About" page for TD.

Think link leads to a discussion about FAQs for newbies (though it is not all-inclusive).

The best thing to do is to play around in each theme/palette and create whatever you can imagine. Here are the answers to your specific questions though:

1) The "Showcase" link at the top of every TD page allows you to view the current and past galleries that pertain to a specific topic. Currently, the subject is "vacations". These topics are created by the TD administrators (usually Rachel Lee I believe) and suggested by users. The topic will rotate out after a couple of weeks and be replaced by a new one. I believe (in my own opinion) that the "Showcase" idea was created to give users an inspiration for what to draw if they couldn't think of anything. If you look through the other topics in the drop down menu, you will see a bunch of different ones. Once you have created a drawing that pertains to the current topic, you can select the box to add it to that showcase before you submit your drawing to the main gallery. It will then be added to both the main gallery and the current showcase. Unfortunately, you are not able to add new drawings to showcase topics that are not current, however, they are still good jumping off places for ideas.

2) Getting into the "Top 5" is based on how many high votes/stars you have on a particular picture. Your own vote does not count towards your ranking. It is based on a weighted scale that is difficult to explain but basically, if you have 20 votes of "5" and 1 vote of "1", you could still possibly make the "Top 5" for the month and not be thrown out by that "1" vote. These are broken down by theme/palette and usually display very intricate works of art. They are pretty much chosen by the users of TD and compiled by the administrators for the separate "Top 5" link.

I hope this helps get you started. There are many talented and great artists here that I'm sure would be happy to help teach you and other new TD-ers. Have fun!

6. 20 Aug 2009 13:36


*I meant "This link", not "Think link"*

7. 20 Aug 2009 14:37


Hi Relena! Welcome to TD! This is a really fun and friendly place, hope you enjoy your time here!

8. 21 Aug 2009 02:56


THANK YOU "cutegrl289" for your Amazing explanation.....I really appreciate it..... and thank you all for your replay.......
I think I will have a lot of fin in here and I will learn a lot from you guys..
of course I wish I could find somebody to teach me something ...
there are a lot of amazing artist in her which I will be honored and glad to get their help, advice, and of course their comment.....

Again....THANK U ALL

9. 21 Aug 2009 06:31


Have you discovered the play-back icon? ">". This shows you how the picture was made. Have fun!

10. 21 Aug 2009 07:03


Here are a couple useful Think Draw links ...


11. 21 Aug 2009 08:53


thank u Matthew...they are really useful links:) and YES:D I have discovered the play button lynnspotter ,,I T REALLY FUN...and thats motivate me to suggest having a play button while we are drawing!!!...I was drawing a playback image and I wanted to review my work b4 submitting it , but I couldnt!!!
so I hope we could find a pre play bottum in the drawing area soooon