Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - MUGDOTS XXIV... Hopes & Dreams

1. 16 Aug 2009 09:10


We all have hopes, dreams & desires that move us... Show them to me... Open your hearts & souls... I will give no examples as to what this might be... Whatever this means to you, draw it...

This challenge is open to any picture made between today & next Sunday August 23...

The last time I ran Mugdots, I let my daughter choose the winner... I will do the honors this time... Have fun or shed tears...

2. 16 Aug 2009 10:48


Having 2 kids with Cystic Fibrosis it is my dream that a cure if found.

3. 16 Aug 2009 10:49


Sorry I forgot to add that this is a "play" animation.

4. 16 Aug 2009 19:34


Don't let Doug win by default... Surely y'all have hopes & dreams...

5. 17 Aug 2009 02:39


6. 17 Aug 2009 05:45


Ok,guys. My computer hates me today,can't get my picture up here.
So here goes

7. 17 Aug 2009 05:46


Ok,sorry,never mind. looks like I got it!

8. 17 Aug 2009 11:17


Matthew asked me to give a little info on CF. It is a genetic disorder wherer both parents must carry the recessive gene and then there is a one in four chance that any child you have would have CF. Cystic Fibrosis affects the way water is passed thru each cell in the body. It does not affect the brain or heart, but primarily causes problems with the lungs and pancreas, and reproductive organs. It creates a thick sticky mucus because of the "reduced fluid" issue and therefore causes the lungs to fill up with thick sticky muscus which causes lung infections. With each lung infection, there is scar tissue, and as time passes it kills you. The kids have to take enzymes to break down the fat/vitamins, etc in their food because their pancreases are shut off so they are semi skinny. (more)

9. 17 Aug 2009 11:24


If you looked at them both, you would never know. They have a daily regimen of pills, breathing treatments, etc. Their life expectancy is around 30. A lot of research is happening and a lot of the medicines they take will prolong their lives, but unless a cure is found, plain and simple they will die. Maybe thats why I draw a lot of dark stuff (monster man). The little one Alex spent 4 months in the ICU the day after he was born. He had a
blocked intestine that ruptured. He almost died when he was two weeks old. Patch (the artist on TD) spent a good portion of his first year and a half in the hospital with lung infection after lung infection, but is doing good now. Both boys are.
I don't need any sympathy. I see a therapist to help me. I like to draw. I'm not great, but I find this site very theraputic as it gets my mind off of the daily thoughts of whats to come. Ok Matthew there's your brief synopsis.

10. 17 Aug 2009 12:18


Saved this before it was really finished, but I have been losing my internet connection all day.
This is a house I want to buy. Moved the gallery 50 miles 2 years ago with the expectation on quickly also moving us there.
Now driving an hour each way. This is on a 25 acre lake. fingers crossed.

11. 17 Aug 2009 12:18


-on + of

12. 17 Aug 2009 12:38


Doug~ Thank-you for an easily understandable, explanation of CF. I am your children are a wonderful blessing to you! May research keep progressing at a rapid rate!

13. 17 Aug 2009 12:39


That should read 'I am sure your children are....

14. 17 Aug 2009 13:20



15. 17 Aug 2009 13:32


Thank you doug... Education is important... Sharing your burdens is also important... I am glad you did both...

16. 17 Aug 2009 13:39


Doug, my heart goes out to you. I don't know what else to say. We all have difficult things, it seems. Me too. Draw, do draw, draw some more and find pleasure in it.

17. 17 Aug 2009 14:04


Thanks for the explanation Doug ... now I understand those dark drawings.

18. 17 Aug 2009 14:34


Doug, is this considered an autoimmune disorder?

And if you don't mind getting a little deeper...

Why is it called Cystic Fibrosis? That sounds like it would cause fibrous cysts or perhaps it does as a result of the water/cell issues or perhaps that is what causes the water/cell issues???

19. 17 Aug 2009 14:57


20. 17 Aug 2009 17:26


Solosater: Its all genetics. The luck of the draw. The recessive gene is passed down from generation to generation thru the mother or father until you get a couple with the same recessive gene then wham. I could go into the genetic codes, etc., but that would get too involved. The worst part was that we had no clue with Patch. We got a call from the PKU test they do on newborns after he was two weeks old and said get to the hospital, your son has CF. After 6 years of dealing with the disease we thought we had a handle on it and would be able to cope with another CF kid if we got that 25% chance again. But wham Alex took it another way and had the bowel blockage. Enough said. There is a world of info on the CFF website and here in Pittsburgh we have the leading doctor in the world for CF. He wrote the books and goes around the world teaching other doctors how to treat it.