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Forums - Community - Looking for coho

1. 14 Aug 2009 15:07


You won the lullaby challange, if you would like to accept just create a new one for everyone. If you would rather not just let me know and I will pic my next favorite!

2. 14 Aug 2009 21:35


Thanxs belladonis, I feel honored you picked my picture. Do you mean I get to set a challenge? If thats the case I love all things arctic and anarctic but especially arctic. especially the alaskan and candian arctic. tho siberia interests me too! herds of caribou, musk ox , muskeg, moose, marmots, wolves, walrus, athabaskan, inuit, you name it! Polar exploration( I love shackleton and the Endurance adventure tho thats the south pole)

3. 14 Aug 2009 21:44


Cool! Ok what ya need to do is create a new link and name it Challange (what ever the next number is ) and put it to us. Give us awhile to create, set a cut off date, and pick your favorite!

4. 14 Aug 2009 23:31


I have no clue as how to set a link. i'm a total luddite. what exactly is a link? Help!

5. 15 Aug 2009 04:33


Hurray for Luddites

6. 15 Aug 2009 04:54


Coho, you just click on Forum, click on Community, and at the bottom it says "Start a new topic", just click on that and name your challenge. Tell people how long it runs and when you will choose the next winner and then check it whenever you have time so you don't miss snyone's entry. Then, when your final day arrives, you post the winner here and they take over for the next challenge. Congratulations! I have to go google Luddite now, cuz I never heard the word before!

7. 15 Aug 2009 05:44


Robin, the word Luddite also appears in my profile.
I am a lifetime member

8. 15 Aug 2009 09:42


So nice to know I have a few Luddite buddies here!

9. 15 Aug 2009 11:50


I found this for Luddite in the Internet. You always learn something. Thanks guys!

10. 15 Aug 2009 13:10


Thanks for your link, polenta. I've posted it in your 'For those who like to know about other cultures' forum.