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Forums - Community - ThinkWrite XVI

1. 10 Aug 2009 14:24


This is so much fun and addictive!!!! Thank you again mp!
Ok here I go.....

Casa nova

What can I say I'm a child of the 80's.

Word count is 145. Hope this is fun for everyone. I will pass the torch on Tuesday, August 18th!

2. 10 Aug 2009 20:39


Okay, I have the list. Hmmm....! Challenging.

Does Casa nova count as one word or two?

3. 10 Aug 2009 21:22


Its a typo, word, casanova.

4. 10 Aug 2009 21:46


Tough list....hmmmmmm....

5. 11 Aug 2009 07:56


Now You See It, Now You Don’t

I wandered into this funky town at noon. Stayed at the Casa Nova Hotel where I met my friend, Mickey, the centerfold of Thriller magazine last month. As we sat in the lobby talking, he noticed a bust of Venus sitting on a stand located in the corner. Glimpsing a construction workers’ tool bag, Mickey went over, grabbed a sledgehammer and smashed the bust into bits and pieces!

The manager, showing signs of hysteria, banged his legs on a coffee table. Trying not to cuss he kept repeating abracadabra until the pain and rage disappeared!

I asked Mickey why he did such a destructive, meaningless thing. He commented that he was trying to control himself but couldn’t. You know how I get when someone bites their nails!

6. 11 Aug 2009 09:20


The Left, Right and Middle Brain.
By Doug

The supposition of “thriller” is equal halves imagination and emotion. At least when it came to my hysteria filled episode on June 19th, 2007.

We were in Funkytown, USA. The city isn’t important unless you need to know how easy it is to buy a sledgehammer in Dover, Maryland.

The quiet contryside with the General Store fit the bill. Our lankey legs entered the store and w spotted “Casanova” manning the Mickey Mouse register. He had a Playboy in one hand with the centerfold out and well the other hand…

It didn’t matter, we had come for a sledgehammer and we would have gone to Venus to get one. We found the right one and grasped the oak handle firmly.

He told me what to do.

Casanova was reduced to Pulp Fiction in seconds.

My eyes never blinked.

“Abracadabra”, the hypnotherapist said.

He dialed 911.

7. 11 Aug 2009 09:29


sorry I got two started this a.m while watching the boys....

Memories of Mom
By Doug

They call me Mickey and I don’t mind much.

My mom, a former centerfold with legs as long and smooth as a willow tree, used to date a guy named Casanova who liked to call me Mel. He thought he was quite the magician, a master of illusion in his own mind. I fell for a few “abracadabras until he tried to make a sledgehammer dissapear and it crushed his good foot..

After him, mom dated Venus. Now don’t get me wrong, but I started to wonder about my mom suffering Hypo-Hysteria until I found out Venus “was” a guy who became a girl, who became a guy again.

I know confusion reins.

My mom has always been a pillar of the community, but a thriller in private.

Now if I said we lived

8. 11 Aug 2009 09:55


Was that the end Doug? There seemed like there should be more to that sentence.

9. 11 Aug 2009 10:12


Yes sorry, must not have copied it write from "word"


(Now if I said we lived in Funkytown would you believe me?)

tks Dragon.

10. 11 Aug 2009 10:13


oops make that "right". I need to go to bed.

11. 11 Aug 2009 19:51


Hey everyone I hope I didn't make this one to much of a stinker!!!! I wish for myself that I had upped the word count. Oh well live and learn!!!

12. 11 Aug 2009 19:53


Opps I was logged in under my daughter!

13. 11 Aug 2009 19:59


I'm finding this list both nostalgic and difficult but I think this turned out alright.

Origami and the Art of Forgetting Women

Mickey was no Casanova. He had long since stopped trying to impress women. After the “Abracadabra” incident that had caused a scene only a hair short of full hysteria at a bar named Funkytown he had realized that his pick up techniques had all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
That was why he had turned to origami, to forget about women. It was a study in subtleties and patience and he had hoped it would help him find peace in his life which had been more of a thriller than he particularly wanted it to be.
And so he made a centerfold here, and a valleyfold there. Gradually a pair of shapely legs and the armless torso of the Venus de Milo formed within his hands. He had taken up origami to forget about women, but somehow his creations always ended up looking like them.

14. 11 Aug 2009 20:13



My name is Mickey....Mickey Santiago and this is my town. A dark little place that leaves my head pounding like a sledgehammer to the beat of the music that filters out of every sleezy strip joint I pass.

Venus....Her name is Venus, with the body of a centerfold and the face of an angel. Just a kid, running from the hysteria that should have been a happy home. When I first saw her.........God what a thriller with a double barrell shotgun set of legs that would blow any man away.

She was different.......The kind of girl that makes a man want to be a man, and not some two bit casanova.

The spell was cast, a black magic that numbed the truth.......Abracadabra......My Venus was a man.

My name is Mickey.....Mickey Santiago.....and that love in my crazy funkytown.

145 including title.

15. 11 Aug 2009 20:16


Love your story Dragon!

16. 11 Aug 2009 20:24


Doug I can feel your pain with my two girls, school starting and work. Sleep thats the ticket!

17. 11 Aug 2009 23:58


145 words, plus title:

The Coolest Grandma

Grandma tried so hard to be “with it”, but it was never meant to be. She was a continual source of amusement to my friends, and a total embarrassment to me. Mickey “Sledgehammer” Jones and Venus Doppleheimer were my two best friends. After school, Grandma lured them into her kitchen with warm homemade cookies. While we ate, she talked.

“Venus, with those long legs of yours, I bet you danced a great Casanova at the prom”.

“I hear Funkytown Records is promoting that new group, Abracadabra, here. If you can stand the hysteria, I bet you could get their autographs on the centerfold of their album.”

“Mickey, sit up straight, dear. Now, don’t you think Hazel Marie’s gonna be a real thriller once she gets those zits cleared up?”

“You kids better have some milk with those cookies. “

“Hazel Marie, stop rolling your eyes.”

18. 12 Aug 2009 15:23


Hi my name is Ash and im 11 years old. My mom is Bella and she said I could write a story but she wont let me read any of yours untill she reads them first:(

Here is my story.

Music Masters

I live on Venus. I love the HipHop music in my little funkytown. Where are my manners? My name is Mickey.

My favorite band the Rapin Hysterias is a weird group of guys from the Anamatronic galaxy. They are a real thriller on stage. Each band member has eight arms and three legs! THey can really get the crowd dancing with the music that pounds like the beat of a sledgehammer.

At one concert one of the band members Nacktoelieo kept winking at me from stage! That would have been ok except that he had three eyes and he winked with the one in his bellybutton. It could have been a twitch but I think it was a wink. What a casanova!!!

In the centerfold of the newpaper I read that they will have a concert tonight!!! I cant wait!!!!Abracadabra....Im gone!!!!

The end

It took me along time to type it I hope I spelled everything good.

19. 12 Aug 2009 15:58


Love the winking belly button! Spelling looked good to me. Good contribution.

20. 12 Aug 2009 19:20


Very good story baby girl! Mom will help you type them in the future if you want me to.
Good night!