Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Flowers for Matthew's mother (real ones)

1. 7 Aug 2009 08:06


I wrote to Rachel and got permission to put up this page. Anyone who would like to
contribute to a floral arrangement for Matthew's mother's funeral can do so here.

2. 7 Aug 2009 08:41


Thank you Luna

3. 7 Aug 2009 08:49


Glad I could do this. Thanks for the contribution.

4. 7 Aug 2009 09:05


What a wonderful plan, Luna. Thank you so much for setting this up.

I am having a problem, however. The form keeps hanging up on "provide shipping method", even though the space is filled. It won't proceed past that point. I will check back later to see if I can get it to work. I did not really want to post this here, but did not know how else to inform you.

Again, I am so pleased that you have set this up.

5. 7 Aug 2009 09:19


Humm, try pick up at our location. I have been having issues with our web host that have affected to check..

6. 7 Aug 2009 09:23


Meant to mention, this will just be up until noon tomorrow (EST) to allow time to order the flowers.

If you have questions and don't want to post here, I have added an email address.

7. 7 Aug 2009 10:16


What a beautiful gesture... Many thanks...

8. 7 Aug 2009 10:50


Your welcome...kinda hoped you would miss the post and be suprised. Hope you are doing well. Since you know about it, could you send me the funeral arrangements so I don't have to keep calling all over SC ?

9. 7 Aug 2009 12:14


Thanks to all who have responded!

10. 7 Aug 2009 15:40


Trying to keep this one near the top so everyone who is interested will see it before noon tomorrow

11. 7 Aug 2009 18:02


Luna, this was a thoughtful gesture on your part. Thank you very much for being such a caring person. I'm sure many others feel the same.

12. 7 Aug 2009 18:56


Luna, I had some questions and sent an e-mail. Let me know as soon as you do. Thanks.

13. 7 Aug 2009 19:39


I have never been a part of an online comunity before... It amazes me how much love I feel for & have received from people I have never met... I do hope that we organize some Think Draw gatherings in the future... I would love to meet so many of you in person...

You have all been a HUGE help to me durring this very rough period in my life... I don't know how I can ever show my appreciation other than a heart felt thank you... If you ever find yourself near by, stop in my pool room for a hug...

I know I will shed more tears as the loss of my mom sinks in, but thanks for the smiles you bring...

14. 7 Aug 2009 20:07


You don't have to follow any rules to grieve; it’s even all right to be relieved that she’s finished her suffering.

Grief is a process that has no end for the living, but it gets easier and easier to bear until the good memories and the love you had outshine the pain.

I lost my father 8 years ago very unexpectedly and my whole family including my mother who divorced him when I was three were so messed up they couldn’t function, I was 24 years old, burying my father and no one could even help me but I was fine, six months later I lost it.

There are no rules and no right or wrong way to grieve.

You do what you have to to get through it and let your friends and family support you. That includes us.

15. 8 Aug 2009 04:14


If a big bearded, hairy man in a thong and with a huge flying monkey tattoo on his back shows up at 3am for a hug remember that you asked for it.

16. 8 Aug 2009 06:33


About 2 1/2 hours left before I take down the page (extended it an hour)
solo, sent you an email
Baldur, LOL, scary, but you're welcome to come to my gallery one state over

17. 8 Aug 2009 09:46


Matthew, i wish i could send real ones...Luna, what a beautiful gesture.

18. 8 Aug 2009 09:51


Haven't gotten the arrangements from Matthew yet, so I will leave the page up until I know where to send the flowers. Thanks for the great response.

19. 8 Aug 2009 09:58


what should i put in the shipping info??

20. 8 Aug 2009 10:07


oh...i guess i didn't read that very carefully. "pick up at our location" worked, thank you again for making this possible Luna.