Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Max Headroom

1. 9 Jul 2009 23:06


I want to see some Max Headroom, does anyone else even remember him?

No rewards, no winners just kudos from me...

I know not much incentive, huh.

2. 10 Jul 2009 04:34


Oh I hated him.
You'll get none of him from me unless it's an image of Baldur unplugging him.

3. 10 Jul 2009 09:10


Yeah, I think it was "technology gone wrong" when someone dreamed him up. I don't want any parts of him. I have an image in my head, but couldn't do it from memory. What in the world made you think of him?

4. 10 Jul 2009 13:24


Who the heck is Max Headroom?

5. 10 Jul 2009 14:44


Solosater, my physics-computer-math focused spouse LOVED Max. So, I can only surmise that appreciation of Max is either a matter of extremely high intelligence and/or a uniquely developed sense of humor! My spouse has both those traits, maybe you too! : ) [Sadly, me - not so much. Max was beyond me in all matters.]

6. 10 Jul 2009 20:49

solosater to say this without sounding full of myself???

Yes, above genius level and quirky sense of humor, I love the Brits' humour and they created him.

After posting this last night I went onto the Netflix site, apparently they are with you, I found NOTHING!

Very sad:-(

7. 10 Jul 2009 20:53


midnight, look him up. The actor who played him is on Eureka now but I can't think of his name.

I think you'd get a real kick out of him but remember this all started in the early 80's.

8. 11 Jul 2009 00:10


Nerd alert! Nerd alert! Nerd alert!

I was a big, big fan of Max. But drawing him has eluded me all day. Remember the simple graphics behind his head? I almost think anything photographic would be impossible in any of the forums here.

But someone should do something stylistic or interpretive at least... I'm just sapped of all creative juice right now. But I anxiously await anyone else's efforts.

9. 11 Jul 2009 09:09


solo, the actors name was Matt Frewer and he's been in a few things since. Space channel used to play the TV show Max Headroom and I always enjoyed it when I could catch it. I'm not terribly surprised that Baldur didn't go for a show set in a time where you could get the chair for having an off button on your TV.
I'd love to do this challenge but I don't know where I'd start. I've never been very good at doing faces and Max is basically one big face. I'm going to think on this though. It's a very challenging challenge I'd really like to try.
BTW, we miss you in Think Write solo.

10. 11 Jul 2009 13:34


Thanks Dragon, I've got a bit of writer's block and I'm really working on my sleep schedule and writing messes with it BAD!

I'll finish my rift story as soon as possible and then get to Think Write again when I'm feeling more up to it.

I so appreciate you thinking of me. I miss it too, must control myself though.

11. 11 Jul 2009 14:26


Take care of yourself first. We'll still be here when your able to return. Best of luck on your sleep cycle!

12. 11 Jul 2009 14:26



13. 11 Jul 2009 14:34


I'm resisting a nap as we speak... E-Speak? Type?

Oh, whatever!

14. 11 Jul 2009 14:46


Max Headroom ... not quite but almost

15. 11 Jul 2009 15:17


Yea! Thanks Login.

I wish I could do faces, ITRW I do them very well but on here, even this very non-human form, I have trouble.


16. 11 Jul 2009 16:50


yes indeed, Login that looks like him, now all we need are Teletubbies to make my day complete LOL

17. 11 Jul 2009 20:30


I cannot believe you would compare the two you heathen!

18. 7 May 2011 12:46


Hey Solosater, I'm quite late, but I saw this topic just now lurking thoroughly the forum, ans I was a fan of MH when I wqas young and the TV was only B/W... I can't resist to your request!

So, here he is!