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Forums - Community - In Loving Memory

1. 26 Jun 2009 08:00


Let this be a place to make a tribute to all those we have loved and lost.

2. 26 Jun 2009 08:01

jshundo Thank you MJ for creating the soundtrack to many of our lives.

3. 26 Jun 2009 08:03

jshundo Thank you grandpa for protecting this nation and being one of my biggest heroes.

4. 26 Jun 2009 08:35


Thank you Grandma and Grandad for looking after us, unquestioningly, every school holiday ... they were some of the happiest times of my life.

5. 26 Jun 2009 08:39


Thank you Mary for being one of the kindest gentlest people I've known. I won't hear anything bad said about Mothers-in-law.

6. 26 Jun 2009 08:39


Thank you Mum and Dad for raising us as responsible and caring people.

7. 27 Jun 2009 09:31


This on of Arw65's belongs here

8. 27 Jun 2009 15:45


Thanks luna

And also
I miss you jeremy, you were taken from us so early, i would have liked to see you in kindergarden playing with the other kids. I will never forget the way you laughed.

9. 27 Jun 2009 15:46


ok, so it didn't post the pick.... lets try that again

10. 27 Jun 2009 16:14


Here he is, Arw. The www was missing.

11. 27 Jun 2009 16:15


Ooops! Didn't paste the ID

12. 28 Jun 2009 08:31


Thanks a bunch

13. 28 Jun 2009 09:49


Billy Mays is dead. On,, and others.

14. 1 Jul 2009 18:40


there is no way I could ever draw my daughter Sarah who died of a brain tumor when she was 24.. partly because I can't do portraits and partly because I would drown in my own tears. she was a nurse like her mom, she was an artist, she was a beautiful soul and someday I will see her happy and with hair again. I love and miss her yet I am so proud of her and glad to have known her and privileged to have been her mom.

15. 1 Jul 2009 18:49


gwinnyb, my heart breaks for you....

16. 1 Jul 2009 19:10


gwinnyb, you haven't let your grief overshadow your daughters shine and that's a treasure to hold. The love you express makes her proud too. She does have hair and you will reunite.

17. 1 Jul 2009 21:58


thank you for your support. I know life offers us many challenges and many blessings.. sometimes it offers both at the same time and in the same package. We all have stories to tell and burdens to bear. as a nurse it makes it easier to comfort hurting people because I understand some of what they feel . I truely believe "all things work for good" and try very hard to find the purpose and use for traveling a thorny path; especially if in the end I get to and thus can help others get to a better place.

18. 1 Jul 2009 22:22


gwinnyb, you have always shown the calmest, warmest spirit. Now you're sharing another level of it. Thank you.

I lost a dear friend to a brain tumor. Several of us, all just friends, helped him along that path as best we could, but it was... soooo h a r d ... When we finally reached the stage of being able to have help from Hospice come in, those were the most amazing people I have ever had the honor of dealing with. Their understanding, their sensitivity, their unfailing kindness remains with me.

There are so many people who are gone, who we miss... want back... who took a part of us with them...

But for me, the loving memory I'd like to note here is in honor of the helpers.

19. 2 Jul 2009 08:04


Qsilv what you said brings so much joy to hear . because my daughter had so much pain hospice was not involved. here, if you are in the hospital, hospcie doesn't come. she was in the hospital the last 6 weeks of her life. once I vas able to work thru my own grief I worked as a hospice nurse, I have been able to cuppport many people in their time of need and loss. that is my tribute to Sarah.