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1. 23 Jun 2009 11:06


Thank you MidnightPoet for giving me this honor, I hope you all enjoy this list.

After thinking over what Ron has said, and others, I'm going to increase the word count this time to 258. To give a little more wiggle room.

No three word penalty, try to use the word exactly as it is.


I hope these inspire you to write, I look forward to passing the torch in one week, June 30. Have fun!

2. 23 Jun 2009 12:48


Thanks for the list Charity. I loved your Audult ADD story. I think you wrote it about me! I like the word list. Please tell me what is the three word penalty?

3. 23 Jun 2009 15:17


Mebu, I'm glad you liked the list Here is the three word penalty as explained to me by ron:
"Some user's have started a new rule which I like in theory but don't use myself. It allows you to change the usage of words on the list with a three-word penalty - meaning you have to lengthen your story by three words. (Seems to me the penalty would be the other way around.)"
But last ThinkWrite midnightpoet didn't use the three-word penalty, forcing the writers to use the word exactly as they were written on the list instead of being able to change usage/tense, etc. and I liked that too. I hope that helps Have fun writing!

4. 23 Jun 2009 17:11


I think the words should be used as is. It is more challenging. I will not use the three word penalty even if it is an option. Thanks for the explanation.

5. 23 Jun 2009 18:46


in her hotel room

She awoke and looked at the clock, it was ten am. She never sleeps this late but still feeling so exuberant from the night before, she wanted to enjoy the moment. The sheets still smelled of a masculine heady scent. The night before was her redemption from this horrible time she was going through.

She could hear people in the water in the pool below her balcony.
It was last night at the pool where she met him, so handsome, young and strong.
He had no idea yet how life can twist and turn, without warning.
He was so kind to her and he made her feel so young, beautiful and alive.

She walked to the sliding glass doors to look down at the people swimming. She looked over to the trees and saw the leaves had started to turn colors there is no stopping time or change she thought.

She felt anxious about seeing her estranged husband again and wondered if he’d bring the newest girl. She thought she might want a valium for the stormy day she had ahead.

As she went to extinguish the candle on the dresser, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She saw her imperfections and flaws. She had aged.

No wonder her husband left her for a younger woman.

She drank the orange juice from he cart that room service had brought earlier and
she realized it was late and that she would have time to cram in a croissant before darting back to reality, her court date.

6. 23 Jun 2009 18:47


I also use the words on the word list in the ordrer they are given.
the word for me is

7. 24 Jun 2009 05:55


Power to the Hammer! (this is a true story)

Ten Ton Hammer is a unique guild. We have progressive raiding (where you can see Seitaer and Dharr popping into Spirit of Redemption quite often), casual raiding, PvP’ers, social events (such as naked races), people leveling, working on achievements, and just hanging out. Many say that TTH is like a family, and where would a family be without a mother?

Some people call her Ztormy (pronounced “stormy”), but most call her Mom. She’s not the guild leader, but she’s the guild mom, and many sledge’s look up to her. I’m one of four in the guild who can say she really is my mom. I count myself lucky on that.

The rest of our guild council is just as wonderful as her. We are truly blessed with great leaders.

Everyone in the guild is helpful, and gives more than they take, so we have a vault full of useful items for guildies to take when they need it.

We have forums where lengthy conversations are held. If you printed them up, you could probably cram a small skyscraper with sheets of paper full of guildie’s helpful information.

When a guildie leaves our family, it seems like some of our light is extinguished. I’ve seen water fall from guild mom’s eyes upon finding out we’re losing a member.

Sometimes, a long lost sledge comes back to our family, and this makes many feel exuberant. It’s wonderful to reconnect with a friend you thought you’d lost.

All in all, you couldn’t ask for a guild better than Ten Ton Hammer.

8. 24 Jun 2009 05:56


I gotta say, I love this word list, and the words in it were just perfect to tell this story.

This is also the easiest time I've had hitting the word count. After my first draft, it was 210 words. I beefed it up a bit, did some editing, and checked the word count again, and it was exactly 258 words!

9. 24 Jun 2009 05:58


oops...I forgot the word bad.

10. 24 Jun 2009 12:34


“SWM, 43, ISO Soul Mate, Maryland” by Ron

About me: Unemployed alcoholic (probably three sheets to the wind already and it’s only 4:00pm). Not really good looking. Starting to get hair on my back. Definitely got hair in my nose and ears. On a good day I can do, maybe, ten sit-ups but then I need a nap. Physical fitness is, to me, a lot like drinking water: I don’t do it and I don’t trust people who do. I’m no good at relationships. I’m a pompous ass and that will typically extinguish any flame. I have “mother” issues and genuinely hope your name is “Barbara”. But we could get past that if I could just call you “Barbs” occasionally. My ideal date is sitting on your porch drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon, belching and farting, on a stormy night while you cook me up some fried chicken. I don’t like pets, children or other people’s friends or family. Holidays, especially “fake” ones, like Valentine’s Day just annoy me. I’ve never, ever been joyful or exuberant in my life. Hell. I’m never even “happy”. I don’t believe in any God whatsoever and expect no redemption for my ways in this life or the next. And I’m really, really doubtful there is any “next” whatsoever. I hate romantic movies. I don’t cuddle. I like wrestling. I’m trying to cram all this into this tiny text box and I’m running out of space.

Enough about me. That leaves you: You’re a female who wears orange lipstick just like my mother did. Oh – and you’re really hot and rich too.

11. 24 Jun 2009 12:38


Midnight. Funny about the word count. My first draft came in at exactly 248. I went back and added "I hate romantic movies. I don’t cuddle. I like wrestling." and checked again and viola - dead on.

BTW: This is a story. It's fiction. And it's supposed to be funny. If anyone e-mails me a list of AA meetings in my area I'll write nasty things about them in my next submission

12. 24 Jun 2009 12:41


Oh and... Congrats Charity. I am SO far behind on this thread this week. I have to go back and read everyone's stuff from last week.

13. 24 Jun 2009 12:48


Midnight: I love your story. But what the heck is a guild? I mean... I know what a guild is but what are you talking about? Is this a family? A group of friends? A local union? A cooperative? You say it's a true story. But please tell me - I'm curious. (And if you answer all the above questions with a single "yes" I'll cry. I swear I will...)

14. 24 Jun 2009 13:37


Great word list. No time right now to write. But Ron, I just had to comment...that was stinkin' HILARIOUS! Made me want to pretend to answer it,,,you know, something like, SWF, 43, I'll cook your dinner while you drink your PBR, but I won't watch wrestling with you unless you watch Nascar with me! I wear plum colored lipstick but could change to orange if it pleases you. My name is Freda, but you can call me Babs! When would you like to meet?? Let's make it at a bar so I can get a glass of rot-gut whiskey while we chat. LOL!

15. 24 Jun 2009 14:30


“Variation on a Theme in Two Parts” by Ron

Dearest Freda (Yo Babs),

Last night was wonderful. (You’re alright girl.)

I am exuberant and thrilled to have met you. (It’s cool you came to the bar.)

It was nice to have met and chatted and, dare I say, flirted. (Girl – you did ten shots in a row. Whoopee! And you opened up a can of whoop-ass on them bikers too.)

I fear you may have gotten a wee bit tipsy. (Girl – you were wasted. As in “w-a-i-s-t-e-d”. As in – three sheets to the wind. Maybe even four.)

I feel this was my fault for over-ordering. (My bad. But girl – you sure can cram ‘em down.)

By way of redemption I would be honored to call on you again. (Can you do to an orange what you did to that lime?)

I’m not being too forward am I. I wouldn’t want to extinguish our budding romance. (I gave you my digits. Use ‘em girl!)

I’ve thought about you all night. (Man. I guess I was drunk too. I peed myself on the sidewalk.)

That leaves nothing but good bye. (No more water for me.)

Our stormy start must lead to calmer days and much happiness. (I can’t wait to hook up and do that again. You gonna be around tonight?)

I wish you much happiness and hope to hear from you soon. (I’m tapped out though. You get your check yet this week?)

Regards (Well?),
Leonard (Lenny)

PS (Oh yeah.)
Your eyes are gorgeous, your lips full, your hair divine. You are beautiful. (You ain’t half bad. Duh.)

16. 24 Jun 2009 14:45


Ron, love both your pieces. Made me giggle quite a bit, and my family is here looking at me like I'm crazy.

To answer your question, a the guild I'm referring to is a group of players on World of Warcraft.

17. 24 Jun 2009 14:58


“Hole” by Ron

There is no language in the warren. The creatures do not speak. They have no word for themselves or other creatures. To them, they are simply a vague notion of “us” and others are simply “good them” or “bad them”.

Yet they do communicate.

Their “words” are spoken through common experience. They are so similar that actual words are not necessary. A sound at the entrance is communicated with widened eyes and sudden stillness and all others “know”, from the position of the “speaker” near the entrance, exactly what is being said: “Shhhh. A ‘bad-them’.”

There were ten in the warren now. Last season there had been more but the cold-time was harsh. With so few adults left all were exuberant at the last litter. There was redemption in a strong litter – redemption for weakness in growing so small as a group.

It was wet outside. The young ones shivered. The eldest looked out the entrance, saw the sheets of water falling, yearned to gather but cuddled the babies instead.

There was no word for weather in the warren but they all understood the downcast eyes and drooping ears of the lead mother. It had been stormy for some time and the leaves were running out. Cold and hunger could extinguish the lives of the babies.

An orange glow crept into the chamber. The warmth quickly returned. The sun was out.

They all lept to the field. The adults would cram leaves and grass into their mouths and hurry back to the warren. The children ate and ate.

18. 24 Jun 2009 15:18


OMG Ron, LMAO at Lenny and Freda! I don't know if it was serendipity or what but as I was reading those 2 stories the song 'I want you (She's so Heavy)" was on and it just seemed like the perfect counterpoint.
Hee hee, I'm still laughing.

19. 24 Jun 2009 16:14


Lenny, Boy, I gotta tell you, I was exuberant to get your email, despite my wicked hangover! I picked up the phone at least ten times to call you, but didn’t want you to think I was some hussy who was desperate for a man! So I distracted myself. I hung the sheets on the line, and I raked the leaves til the weather got too stormy. I was acting so much like a giddy schoolgirl, that I left a burning cigarette on the edge of the couch and had to extinguish a small fire with water. Good thing I had that plastic slip cover. It pretty much just melted, and the couch looks ok.

How’s about you come over for beans and franks tonight? We could have a contest to see who can cram the most hot dogs in their mouth at once. But I’m pretty good with hot dogs in my mouth, if you know what I mean. If you were to win, maybe I’d think of something special you could do for redemption, like paying for the next keg and pack of smokes. (I DID get my disability check today, and the food stamps should be here next week, too!)

Let me know what time would be good for you for dinner. There’s a good WWF match
on tonight that we could watch while we play spin the bottle.

Yours truly,

Babs (Freda)

PS, I hope that orange lipstick didn’t leave a stain on your pants.

20. 24 Jun 2009 21:12


I honestly had every good intention of writing something tonight and then I read Ron's & Robin's...FOTFL!!! You guys are cracking me up! What makes it ultra sad - I'm preeetty sure these guys are my neighbors!! LOL The only thing you haven't mentioned are the dogs LOL I'm enjoying reading these so much! I'll write something soon...

Midnight, yours was very interesting, thank you for telling us what guild you were a part of, it makes the story even better

Oh and Ron, your other piece was hauntingly wonderful, VERY emotional and well guys just rock, that's all there is to it!