Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Hye!!

1. 19 Jun 2009 11:23


hee..I do know what i want to say.. but I am very happy because i was accapted here.. Thank you very much to alz of you...tata!! especially to lilalee.. in Malay.. Terima kasih banyak kepada semua yang sokong dan telah terima saya di sini, terutama kepada llilalee.. Senyum Selalu ( Smile always!!!)(^_+)

2. 19 Jun 2009 12:19


Ria, just as we were immediately accepted, we tend to do the same for other newcomers here. We enjoy seeing new talent and to witness talent evolving.

3. 19 Jun 2009 14:28


what Login said. Although the talent's much more limited here than on your all's end, but it's the fun that matters LOL

4. 19 Jun 2009 15:07


Ria, I'm so happy you came back, as you seem so sweet, and yes, very artistic!! Looking at your drawings is like reading a good story! There are so many wonderful artist here to learn from, and so many styles!! I find this site fun, and the best part is meeting people from everywhere!!
Hope I get this right......Senyum Selalu!!

5. 19 Jun 2009 18:33


Really glad you came back. I like your art and like the artist you are, you feel things deeply- it seems.
You could be my grandchild.... like an adopted granddaughter. And we are eager to see someone from Malaysia. This site unites people from all over the world!!!