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Forums - Community - Pittsburgh TD'ers unite!

1. 4 Jun 2009 21:25


Being a Pittsburgher, I am always happy to see fellow ThinkDrawers from my neck of the woods. So far I can count Doug and kmkagle among my compatriots, who else among you can claim such an awesome location?

2. 4 Jun 2009 21:54


I'm originally from Buffalo, NY, which is only 5 hrs away from Pittsburgh. Plus, I'm a Steelers fan. Does THAT count?? lol

3. 4 Jun 2009 22:19


actually, buffalo is only 3 hours from pgh! i'm originally from rochester, ny and i lived in buffalo for awhile. (i still do the trek back to roch. quite often as well) you're a steelers fan from bills country, eh? respect!

4. 5 Jun 2009 05:35


I think we might have to come up with some kind of "quiz" to find out the real pittsburghers. You know all the paranoia going around. lol.

5. 5 Jun 2009 06:09


Funny Doug! Just what we need~ more clicks! LOL!

6. 5 Jun 2009 07:58


well, I'd fail the quiz, but I've already admitted I'm not a REAL pittsburger (sounds like it should be on a fast-food menu!). I just wanna join, cuz I'm pretty sure it's a fun crowd!

7. 5 Jun 2009 08:03


Me too!!! I've been a Steelers fan for years!! I'm in!!

8. 5 Jun 2009 08:06


I drove through Pittsburgh once, & used to work with a girl from there. Does that qualify me to join?

9. 5 Jun 2009 08:45


you might need to know what to do with an "arn'" and some Isaly's...

10. 5 Jun 2009 08:46


Robin: Well there are a lot of "Rothlesburgers" on restaurant menu's. lol.

11. 6 Jun 2009 18:40


Pittsburgher's are nice people! We have a beautiful city, some problems like everywhere else. I'm sure you feel the same about your town. The Steeler's are good, as long as they're good. Right? We have beautiful stadiums along the river, wonder restaurants catering to almost every diet requirement and pocketbook situation. Think of us fondly. Pittsburgher's have hearts of gold. Youse come and see us sometime! We'll give you kielbosi, chipped ham sandwiches, iron city beer or beer from our other local breweries. You can watch our Penguins play hockey, our Pirates try real hard to win a game! But yes, our Steeler's are really a good team. Tell us about your town or country. I for one would love to hear about it. It would make you all seem closer. Don't be a stranger!

12. 6 Jun 2009 19:38


Did the Penguins win tonight? I didn't see, but I was hoping for them.

13. 6 Jun 2009 20:08


According to their site, the Penguins lost 5-0! Doesn't look to good. There's still a chance. They play a hard game tho.

14. 7 Jun 2009 11:43


I'm originally from Buffalo, NY, a blue collar, economically depressed, 8-month winter town. Great people, great food, but crappy crappy weather. So I left!

Now from Boise Idaho. For east coasters like me, Boise is very brown. It's high desert, which means lots of sunshine, not much water. Big beautiful mountains which are higher than NY's Adirondacks, or Catskills, or Pennsylvania's Poconos, but our mountains are covered in pines, so we don't get the beautiful colors of the deciduous trees back east. They call Boise the City of Trees and compared to other towns in this geography, it has lots of trees, but nothing like east. We get all 4 seasons, but no extremes. Only about 250,000 population so lacking some of the culture and diversity of bigger cities, but is also very low crime rate and very safe place to raise children. People are pretty friendly, a little sheltered, and many conservatives. So I liven the bunch up a little with my east coast forward approach and liberal thinking! I LOVE it here in Boise, where the sun shines every day, and I no longer think of Buffalo as home, although I lived there for 29 years, and here for only 14 so far!

15. 8 Jun 2009 07:48


In Alberta we have 3 seasons,
and Road Construction

16. 8 Jun 2009 08:15


Dragon: In Pittsburgh we have similar, but several more. Winter, rain, flourescent orange barrel parade all year round (they work on roads in the dead of winter too), a parade for every holiday, and lots and lots of fireworks at almost every event, holiday, ballgame, etc. (the famous Zambelli's are neighbors to us in New Castle, PA.

17. 8 Jun 2009 13:34


Pittsburgh has their share of "ill" seasons! Winters are the pits when the roads aren't taken care of. Potholes! We have potholes so deep we need lifeguards! Some of them are seriously bad! There's a thing now where trees have to be trimmed near wires. Thank the lord these trimmers aren't barbers, beauticians or surgeons! The trees look pathetic, when they start to look decent back come the trimmers. We have our share of problems like any city, but I love Pittsburgh, wouldn't trade it, love the people. Wouldn't trade them either.

18. 8 Jun 2009 13:35


Corr. "their share" s/b it's share.

19. 9 Jun 2009 08:31


Oh by the way, KM, I changed my "signature pik" today to the "It is what it is". I thought it was fitting. Also, amazingly enough I didn't draw one demon, ghost, ghoul, or evil thing today. Check out today's lineup!!.
Oh by the way folks, in Pittsburgh the construction workers have team-building exercises. One person works while 7 stand around and watch the "big hole".... I'm sure this is a common occurence throughout the world. wish i had a job like that!! Last nights fun was a near gas explosion in one of my fryers. (I run a McD's graveyard shift) ooooohhh, fries!!!

20. 9 Jun 2009 08:33


oops. I was checking out Patch's "art". I do miss him, even though he's at camp. We actually had a flyer we are passing out for the YMCA and one of the activities is the camp he is at...(sniffle)