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Forums - Community - Congratulations and request.

1. 3 Jun 2009 03:13


Congratulations to all May Top 5 TDers. I began to congratulate people personally but I realized I had a problem.
My monitor shows only 4 pictures. For example in Top 5 Flowers I see
Marg(Piazza), Qsilv, jmdx3mom and jshundo's pics. It happens the same in all the others: gothic, fruit etc. I can't see picture number five in all the categories. I can't see for example if the pic "Leonardo" got or didn't get to Top 5. I think it's the resolution of my monitor.
Could anyone tell me what pictures are the fifth or the ones to the right in each medium?
Thanks in advance and congratulations to all.

2. 3 Jun 2009 03:22


No problem, polenta:

3. 3 Jun 2009 03:35


Congratulations to all Top 5 ers ... and thank you to all who voted mine up there. I'm honoured.

4. 3 Jun 2009 04:23


Qsilv, marg and Arw (among others) got down-voted ... all three of them had more than one drawing that merited a place. My Blue Flag Iris should not be there and I'm not even sure about Pavarotti, either.

5. 3 Jun 2009 05:38


Login.. I believe that both your 'Pavarotti' and 'Blue Flag Iris' are exceptional pictures, which truly deserve their place in the Top 5.

There are other pictures that also deserve a place there .. Qsilv's remarkable and brilliant 'Leonardo', for instance. I just deleted my 'Intruder' (because I thought it was an awful pic), but it's still showing in the Top 5.. so I haven't bothered deleting my 'piazza', because I can't reverse the fact that it's up there.

I don't wish, and vehemently have NEVER wished, any of my pictures to appear in the Top 5 when there are better ones - which, I think, is what you're saying, as well - so from now on I would ask anyone who likes my pics to vote '1' - no higher - I'll know you like it, or take it that you like it if you haven't got time to comment !


6. 3 Jun 2009 06:44


A moment of silence...

7. 3 Jun 2009 07:23


marg, your piazza absolutely deserves to be exactly where it is. It's stunning!

8. 3 Jun 2009 07:23


Matthew, I agree....

9. 3 Jun 2009 07:24


That's not going to solve the problem, marg. There are no drawings up there that I would not give a vote of 5 to (under the current voting system) ... it's just that it's embarrassing when there are truly brilliant drawings kicked out of the line-up.

10. 3 Jun 2009 07:25


... your's included.

11. 3 Jun 2009 07:46


Luna was another desreving artist to be down-voted.
I suppose there is another way of looking at it ... if the top 5 gained their places purely by 'Most Ratings', far fewer artists would get a look-in ... so a system of 'vote / no-vote' may have a disheartening effect on the rest of the community. With that thought in mind, I think I will just carry on as before and trust TD to come up with a better solution.

12. 3 Jun 2009 07:46


Does anyone else think that this is one of the best top 5's ever (quality wise)???

We can complain of those left out, but I think there is a shorter list of "voted down" pics not in than in past top 5's...
We also have some great new talent among us... Congrats to Waterlily, Inked_Gemini, lilalee, LadyO & charityb98 on 1st time top 5 entries...

Is this not progress???

Don't get me wrong, I want the system changed to eliminate the power of the one votes & we should still remind TD of our wishes... but we have come a long way baby!!!

13. 3 Jun 2009 08:11


Yes, it is good that more people made it ... and we can still go and admire those brilliant drawings that were booted out.

14. 3 Jun 2009 08:12


Polenta, I have that exact same problem, with only 4 pics showing at any time. It's like that for me in the gallery and in the top 5, and I also don't get the pic list for the different mediums...have to type in their web addresses to access them for drawing. With some help from KMkagle, though, I was able to get all 5 but only in internet explorer. (Normally i am logged in to aol or to msn.) On internet explorer there was an icon on the left of my screen for "resize". I clicked on that and resized to 75% and voila! They are smaller, but all 5 appear. I have to resize every time I go to a new window on the site, but now I can even get the icons for the different mediums.

Con't know if you have internet explorer, but thought i'd let you know it worked for me! Robin

15. 3 Jun 2009 08:14


I thought the Gothic and Animals especially had incredible pic for the May Top 5. (All of them were amazing but those were the palettes that really stunned me)

16. 3 Jun 2009 08:27


Please Marg accept the 5s.
All the May 5Topers deserve it. The problem is that pictures like Leonardo didn't get it.

17. 3 Jun 2009 08:29


You're right, Dragon. When I sit back and take it all in, I believe the standard has rocketed ... the good thing is that, with practice, we have all improved ... from the seasoned artists, right through to the relevant newcomers. It's heartening when you look at it like that.

18. 3 Jun 2009 09:11


Robin, mayber if you changed the resolution of your screen, they would all show... just a thought.... or if you hold the CTRL button and press the '-' button, that should zoom out and you should be able to view all 5.

19. 3 Jun 2009 09:14


Votes Aside

While Leonardo is a great pic he would not fall under the main stream category.

This site is comprised of people of all ages, talents, backgrounds, and well we are just all different.

While Leonardo is a great pic I cant say that those that made it in the Top 5 are "worse" and that Leo deserves their place in the Top 5.

I say this not to open up a debate on the merit of work but to put a positive spin on what we have!!

20. 3 Jun 2009 12:59


I don't get it...

I mean, I'm honored. But still...I voted all of my pictures down to prevent this. Five pictures in the Top 5 is ridiculous. That's not what I was going for. Five pictures and truly deserving work like Leonardo didn't even make it. Five effin' pictures... *shakes head in disgust* They shouldn't be there. Not all of them anyway.

I apologize. I come here to draw. I love the challenge of it. I look at the Top 5 for inspiration--not to see what I can aspire to.

And marg...when I see pictures like your piazza...there is no way I would ever give it less than a five. Your work is amazing. Your place in the Top 5 is well deserved. The same to all of you. Congratulations to all.