Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - introducing the_dude

1. 2 Jun 2009 09:54


hi all. i'm new to ThinkDraw and wanted to introduce myself.

i'd love some comments/criticisms on my drawings.

keep in mind i am not an artist!

2. 2 Jun 2009 10:22


Of course you aren't... You are ME!!!

Everybody knows that...

Have you met the other me's???


3. 2 Jun 2009 10:23


Don't doubt it!

4. 2 Jun 2009 10:24


Ah... My fan club follows... lol

5. 2 Jun 2009 10:25


You got it!!

6. 2 Jun 2009 10:45


I knew that, my universe blinks out of existence when you become someone else.

7. 2 Jun 2009 10:50


Has everyone forgot the dude's original request?
Welcome to TD
You seem to be doing fine with the comments on your pics so far, long may it continue.

8. 2 Jun 2009 11:02


Yes, welcome to TD dude! I've enjoyed your pic's so far. You have a great eye for what pieces will work to achieve what you want people to see. Sending you a White Russian for all the hard work.

9. 2 Jun 2009 12:29


Hey dude, wolcome to TD.

I've been away for a few days and real busy but I was just looking at you Fairy, beautiful! I'm a non-voter for now but as a newbie and someone who says they are not an artist, WOW!

I look forword to more beautilul and interesting work by you.

10. 2 Jun 2009 12:29


Also, I can't spell or type. Get used to it;-)

11. 2 Jun 2009 14:33


thanks for the kind comments all!

1. i can assure you, i'm not this matthew character you speak of, he seems to be an artist, which i am clearly not.
2. white russians are tops, thanks Dragon.
3. thanks to all who have commented on my drawings, especially coming from some of you who have pieces that are basically untouchable in quality (Luna, Arw65, Login, Five, Dragon, Solo, etc, etc ). you guys made me say to myself, "can i do that?" and inspired me to try!
4. thanks again. i'll cya round the TD water cooler.

12. 3 Jun 2009 01:46


I'd like to say thanks for adding me to that group of artists. Have you been crazy long???

I can't compare to a single one of them, but thanks for the complement just the same.

13. 3 Jun 2009 09:17



Dont listen to Solo we all know she is crazy AND a crazy good artist.

~aside~ I wish people would stop talking down their own art, if other people enjoy it and think you are good then just be happy that you are touching others in some positive way~~

14. 4 Jun 2009 08:21


Hello Dude!

Does Matthew know he has MPD?

Thanks for the good pics.

15. 4 Jun 2009 18:19


I know, but the rest of me is in the dark...