Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - We are Think Draw

1. 24 May 2009 00:31


...In my oppinion, there are currently only two GREAT artists currently on Think Draw & have only been 4 in it's short history... Luna, Qsilv, Likemee & Grahame...

...The rest of us fall in various levels below them...

...But we are the begining... We are the "finder of faults", the "discoverers of defects"...

...I truely believe that one day, there will be a hundred artist with equal or better knowledge & abilities as the 4 artist I named... There will be dozens of awe inspiring pics every day... The challenge to make the top 5 will be an amazing feat...

...They will have us to thank for making what will one day be the best known online drawing website...

...We have freely chosen to take on this role... Is there any way we can build it up without tearing each other down...

...Enjoy each other... watch our growth... because when there is 100 Lunas & Qsilvs we will all be lost in the pack & only have each others comraderie...

2. 24 May 2009 04:41


Matthew, I am deeply touched to be included in this amazing group. marg has also done several incredible works this month. Qsilv has long been the standard to which I aspire. I am sad that the others are gone.
You are right that the ones here now are the pioneers that shape the site.

3. 24 May 2009 14:50


Sorry Mathew i beg to differ...I don't think there will ever be 100 Lunas or Qsilvs. They are both unmatched in their style on TD.

4. 24 May 2009 14:54


oops. i meant to say same with likemee and grahame

5. 24 May 2009 15:00


I said knowledge & abilities... Style is something we all have that is ours alone... (Thank God nobody else has Baldur's style)...

6. 25 May 2009 11:29


Though he does share his thongs with many of us...

7. 25 May 2009 17:29


I'm forced to take that as a compliment

8. 30 May 2009 11:30


Forums are super quiet... Need more controversy to get the blood flowing... Perhaps baldur & I can video our trips out to get the morning paper & post the link...

9. 30 May 2009 11:34


be careful what you ask for....

10. 30 May 2009 11:50


I own my own business... I don't ask for things... I demand it... I never get it... But at least I demand it...

11. 30 May 2009 11:50


ok, I did my share

12. 30 May 2009 11:57


Where is the link to the video???

13. 30 May 2009 12:00


I posted a picture in the gallery, the video camera keeps burning out.

14. 30 Jul 2009 15:02


Well, after a long time away, I started making time to draw again...

I looked forward to rejoining the gallery... but low & behold, I am getting attacked by low votes like never before...

Did I miss a resurgence of piss ants while I was gone or is this just a welcome back gift???

Hmmmm... This is not what I returned for...

15. 30 Jul 2009 15:03



16. 31 Jul 2009 08:30


I noticed that Luna also got attacked --within mere minutes.

And statistically, it really does look like at least two accounts doing the vetoes.

As for me... er... (scraping toe in dust, looking skyward)... well, I could say that my work is way too busy for me to be spending the time it takes to do the sorts of drawings that stretch my abilities here... and it would even be true, totally... but the greater truth is that one can almost always grit one's teeth, forgo a little sleep, and do what one really wants.

So, in rather cowardly fashion, I simply stopped standing up as a target for a while.


17. 31 Jul 2009 08:39


One I would add to 'THE LIST' is plasmabob.

18. 31 Jul 2009 08:45


By the way-- I've long figured that Baldur is capable of doing "art" as rich/sophisticated/whatever in technique and "talent" as Luna's and mine (and I'm pretty suspicious of marg and inked_gemini, too!)

"We are ThinkDraw" is a delightful concept. It invites sooo many valid TYPES of "art", so much latent talent, such wondrous ways of seeing!

(...note to self-- remember to thank Rachel every now and again!)

19. 31 Jul 2009 11:04


Well, those who think that the same people shouldn't be in the top 5 every month should be happy, but I'm not sure how really "top" the top 5 will be..
There are a few very good artists that are not targets yet.

20. 31 Jul 2009 11:07


Qsilv, you are right; inked_gemini and marg are superb, and baldur is working at about 1/3 of his abilities.