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Forums - Community - There are bigger things in my life than top 5

1. 4 May 2009 22:06


I hope every day that my mother will live to fight this cancer one more day...

My business like many others is nearing it's breaking point...

those two things alone are sapping my time and energy...

I now have added coaching my daughters t=ball team in order to force time to spend with her since she sleeps durring my business hours...

The times I sit down to draw are getting to be fewer & fewer...

For those that think I am "out to get you" & that you are going to destroy me from Thinkdraw-dom

Get a life... I have been accused of this crap before & I will be accused of it again...

... And I am still here ... And I will continue to be here...

... & to the person that told me I should burn in hell till The stench of my burning would permeate the air... I have a savior that died for my stank self that I may avoid that very fire... But that is still a harsh wish to place on anyones soul...

2. 4 May 2009 22:18



3. 4 May 2009 22:19


I'm actually coming after you... Not just sitting back.

Your days are over.

4. 4 May 2009 23:18


Hey Ron, you gotta change your profile pic if you’re gonna be all tough and nasty; its really hard to take that guy seriously as a big bad bully.

BTW, not taking sides, I’m just sayin’ Eye of the Tiger VS. Nice Lookin’ Introspective Guy, there’s just no contest.

5. 5 May 2009 00:46


I'm with matthew....

There are more important things than Top 5. There are people to visit, pets that need taking care of, rooms to clean, reptiles in need of a good home, gaming conventions to be planned, Lego train layouts to be built, parties to buy decorations for, and dinners to be made.

*sends her snipers after anotherronism*

6. 5 May 2009 01:10


You are correct. There is no two ways about it, the top five of my life have nothing to do with Think Draw.

I’ve my faith, my family, my health, and their health and yeah the economy sucks.

Who cares about the top five, or who did or did not comment on your pic, or who voted down your pic, or what the #%*! else is going on on Think Draw.

It’s a site to have fun on, get a little creative, perhaps some INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION, a little not so much intelligent as funny and strange conversation; this whole blame game is getting tiresome and redundant.

You people, YES YOU, need to lighten up.

Or at the very least save your vitriol and hatred for people who really deserve it: pedophiles, rapists, wife beaters, husband beaters, and anyone who abuses any animal.

I’ll bet you can all agree on that!

Oh what was I thinking, that would only make sense and since we can’t have that I’m guessing, NO.

7. 5 May 2009 05:12


I'm not sure exactly what's going on here, or how this all came about, but from what I've gathered, I've gotta say something. Sorry if I offend anyone, but I've spent most of my life biting my tongue, and it's time for me to speak my mind.

Why? Why would anyone accuse Matthew of this stuff? Just because he once made an account AS A JOKE called "onevotebandit"...I'm sorry, but that was clearly a joke. He's been around here long enough that you people should know his sense of humor. I've known him a lot longer, and I know, KNOW, that his hands are clean here. Why would he do spiteful, childish things to ruin for himself this place that has become his refuge? Think about it and use some common sense! With everything that's going on in his life and our family right now, this is where he comes from to escape it. I know that he loves looking at the art, and he leaves wonderful, kind comments on everyone's drawings, not just the masterpieces. Yeah, he's got a twisted sense of humor...that's what makes him who he is.

Please, he's done nothing wrong, stop punishing him because you're angry about a flawed voting system.

And please, stop letting your happiness on this site depend on numbers. Art has never been about numbers. Everyone has a different take on what's beautiful or appealing. Art brings out different feelings in everyone. And what we've found here is a community that can appreciate everyone's art for what it is, people who've found something in common, and oh so many differences, and I know I find what this site is so breathtakingly beautiful. So WHY are people throwing fits because they've gotten "1-voted"? Ya know what? That means your picture is one of the best! Obviously, whoever's doing this is targeting the masterpieces, so you should take the one vote as a compliment! I myself have never been a victim of it, but if I were, I'd feel glad that my picture was good enough to receive that sort of attention.

And Ron, it's time for you to get off your high horse and chill out a bit. I like ya well enough, dude, but there's a lot of things I want to say to you right now, but this time, I'm biting my tongue.

8. 5 May 2009 08:01


Applauding you all (well, most of you.) You've echoed the point I was trying to make earlier, but with much more clarity.

Life is just too short.

What is it about the internet where what starts off as a civilized debate ends up bringing out bullies and personal attacks and name calling?

If we were all sitting around a table and sharing a pizza and having the same discussion, I doubt such drama would unfold.

9. 5 May 2009 09:26


I find pizza quite dramatic.

10. 5 May 2009 09:33


You live a rich and wonderful life, my friend!

11. 5 May 2009 10:08


I think solosater said it best "This whole blame game is getting tiresome and redundant. You people, YES YOU, need to lighten up."
Absolutely perfectly spoken. Everyone just needs to back up and look at the big picture here and maybe sort out the priorities in their lives.
I really don't understand people blaming matthew for this either as he's probably the one who's been hit hardest by the OVB.
Oh, and Baldur, I've always found pizza rather melancholy, I always feel I need to put it out of it's misery.

12. 5 May 2009 10:10


You know, we all have problems, whether health, employment, family, and just look at the economy. TD is a great getaway at stressful times. I do believe something is going on, and eventually that truth will come out. We are all here for the same reason, drawing and the friendship the forum provides. If we did sit and have a pizza, I feel the same would of happened, as we are human. Some personalities just don't mix. Life is short, and we have all been blessed. We are all different, and thats good. Maybe we should all back away from this and let go and get drawing!

13. 5 May 2009 10:47


Yes, Tweety could still kick your backside Ron; he's got spunk.

14. 5 May 2009 13:23


What is this 'sharing' pizza concept anyway?
Anybody who tries to take a piece of my pizza is going to get a row of tiny evenly spaced holes on the back of his/her hand. That is why they place forks on the table.

15. 5 May 2009 13:29


Hmmm, I'm beginning to see why you find pizza dramatic Baldur.

16. 5 May 2009 13:51


Baldur you are not supposed to eat pizza with a fork, that was your first mistake; secondly when you plan a dinner party, whether its an 8 course meal or pizza and beer, you don't have to invite everyone!

17. 5 May 2009 14:00


The fork is only there to help defend my pizza.

18. 5 May 2009 14:11


Just so you understand, fold it in half lengthwise, turn it toward your mouth and insert, chew and enjoy!

As you can manage this easily one handed, you can use your dominate hand for defencive forking.

19. 5 May 2009 14:35


Ahhh, May The Fork Be With You.

20. 5 May 2009 14:38


Now your speaking my language!