Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Rating Icon where?

1. 8 Apr 2012 07:40


Try as I might I can't see any rating button.
I did register to activate.
I also contactred site feedback but as yet no reply in reference.
Would appreciate help.

2. 8 Apr 2012 08:14


Welcome to Think Draw, Radrook.

There used to be a rating system where we could give ratings of 1 -5. The rating system was unpopular with many members and was changed to a voting system. If you click on a drawing to enlarge it, you will see a gold star underneath. A click on the star will give the drawing a vote.

Votes accumulate and are used to select the Top 5 drawings (in each category) every month. We can only vote once on each drawing and can not vote on our own drawings.

You'll also see a red heart under each drawing. One click on the heart will add the drawing to your personal collection of Favourites. A second click on the heart will remove it from your collection. We believe that the number of times a drawing is favourited may be used in calculating Top 5 places when there is a tie in the number of votes.

3. 8 Apr 2012 09:14


Thank you for the help my friend.

4. 8 Apr 2012 09:20


I just tried it and the picture gets larger but there is no star.
The larger screen I get is that screen where we can see how the picture was created piece by piece. That's the only screen I get. Well, maybe I'm missing smething.

5. 8 Apr 2012 10:13


The star and heart buttons should be right below the playback button (which is the arrow inside a circle). If you aren't logged on the heart doesn't show up but I believe the star should still be there. I don't know what else would be causing issues with them showing up unless it is some kind of computer glich.

6. 8 Apr 2012 11:59


I guess it's a computer glitch then.
Thanks for responding.

7. 8 Apr 2012 12:13


Since I have the screen on high-contrast white letters on black screen. So it doesn't show. But I found the vote area by clicking around and it suddenly appeared saying I had voted. So even thugh it doesn't show, I know it's there. I will search for the other icons in the same way. .