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1. 24 Feb 2011 01:42


For users who have questions about Think Draw. I'll start out. How do you get a draft you saved?

2. 24 Feb 2011 19:16


Hi zooooooom (i can't count how many 'o' you have!),
This question seems like very simple to answer, you click 'load draft' under 'repeat'.
But I actually have had this question for a while.
Some people often submit the pics and say, 'old draft'. (One TDer who I love do this quite often...:)
If you want to draw with a same theme, the draft needs to be submitted or lose it otherwise in my understanding.
Is there any other way to keep several drafts in same theme?

3. 25 Feb 2011 07:41


Hi hanging, you can save only one pic at time in the same theme, but you can save a pic, and then draw (and submit) several others pics in the same theme, without loading the old draft.

I want to add - for the newcomers - a warning: when you load a previous saved draft, then you have to submit or save again, or the work will be lost!!

4. 28 Feb 2011 10:21


I am having a problem that is very annoying and wonder if anyone else does. I tried using Google Chrome for a while and it was ok, but I had a serious problem with the pieces "sticking" to my cursor, so I went to Mozilla Firefox and had no problems for a long time. Now, pieces are "sticking" again. Does anyone else have this problem and/or know how to fix it? Thanks.

5. 10 Mar 2011 15:10


There was a question about entering pictures in a challenge. In case you are, like me, a newbie on computer, you might not know how to copy and paste. I googled it and found this-
I hope this is helpful.

6. 10 Mar 2011 23:52


Yes I have experienced pieces sticking to my cursor it is quite annoying and the only way to remove the piece is to return it back to the menu and try to click it free, then the piece vanishes and reappears when you change size. It does not however have anything to do with your browsers. I have used both firefox and chrome and I find chrome easier to use. It's not a serious problem and does not affect the outcome of the picture.

7. 11 Mar 2011 04:27


I sometimes has the problem of sticking. In this case I drag the piece on the palette again and click, so the piece is released in its original places, then I drag and drop it again on the canvas

8. 12 Mar 2011 08:51


I don't know what system I have, but sticking does occur when I have placed the point of my cursor on the edge of the piece. I get rid of it as described above and try to set the cursor into the piece, not on it's edge.

9. 12 Mar 2011 13:06


Grab a different piece & release it... then change the size of your origional piece & wha~lah...

10. 12 Mar 2011 17:14


..or as Kelly Bundy would say, 'Viola!'

11. 12 Mar 2011 17:33


I have looked in,, I have googled it, to no avail. My question is: What in tarnation is a mugdot? Never heard of it before TD.

12. 12 Mar 2011 17:38


Oh, just one other thing...Copy and paste. I can only do one picture at a time. Google assures me that is all I can do, yet, Mcdrawn, Clorophilla and countless others have air-lifted at least 6 at once. What is the secret? I'd really appreciate instructions.

13. 12 Mar 2011 18:40


Lol. Lizzi, someone else might have to explain Mugdot, but I think it is a person who was drawing at one time that started that challenge. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

The way I copy and paste more than one pic at a time is to open a blank word document and copy and paste everything I want to onto that page. Then I copy and paste all of it, as many pictures as I want and anything else I want to say, into the add reply box.

Also, you are right about the sticky pieces. If you click closer to the center of the piece as opposed to edges it doesn't seem to stick as badly or 'Viola'.

14. 13 Mar 2011 15:39


Thanks for that info, Mcdrawn. I do appreciate it. My only hurdle now is to figure out how to open a 'blank word document' and how to make it accessible from TD. Aaannnnd.....if I have to copy and paste each item to IT, one at a time, and then copy and paste that to the forum....isn't that more work than what I have been doing? Sorry, my computer skills are pretty limited!

15. 13 Mar 2011 18:54


go to gallery & type "mugdot" into search & click enter... then click on Mugdot's name & it will take you to their profile page...

16. 14 Mar 2011 21:56


Thanks, Matthew, that's a big load off my mind! Mugdots has a very interesting gallery.

17. 15 Mar 2011 06:39


I think Lizzi would like to know how to draw on multiple windows.
You can find many ways here, in the topic of the "moving line" challenge - it's on the 2nd page: