Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Mugdots Challenge LXXII-Tourism

1. 7 Nov 2010 06:43


please put your drawings (related to tourism) at the community - challenge - zum117 tourism & please try to make a little will then have the chance to win the best drawing of that challenge that ends at the 14th of are entitled to choose the next challenge subject..even if the drawing is added by someone the drawer himself must add it to the challenge otherwise the drawing will not enter the challenge....have fun everybody

2. 7 Nov 2010 15:55

A place my husband & I would love to go ~Egypt~!

3. 7 Nov 2010 17:10


aha... zum, you're clever and a sweetheart to set up another thread, since on your first one the title can't be edited!

BUT let's just use this to help people get to the one where all the wonderful posts have already been placed.

(Yes, one of us could transfer them all to here, but ...pff... they'd all show the same poster's logo... it's more fun to see each person's "face" by their words and works!)

So......... if you, gentle reader, are looking for the REAL "Mugdots Challenge LXXII - Tourism" please click this link and you'll be magically transported there!

(Now THAT's a trip! LOL)