Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - You cheating yourself only!

1. 7 Oct 2010 14:09


I am sad to see one of most respected persons on TD maybe is cheating.

This person is highly clever at making pictures and has no need of cheating - they can get some Top 5 without it!

Suddently, they have many votes and lots of favorits from persons that have favorits from nobody else, plus these persons have only few pictures they have drew themself. It look like this person is making lots of profiles just to vote for there own pictures. I wish to be not right about this, but sadly think I am not. I have been watching the pics of this person for while. They get many more votes than comments and all favorits from same persons, who favorit nobody else! Plus also, many votes and favs come when pic is no longer on first few pages of gallery.

I wish not to say who is this. They know who they are! It is not easy decision to make to do this post. I hope to be doing right things. Winning in this way cannot feel right. You cannot enjoy to win if it is not fair, can you?

TD is for to enjoy to draw and see the drawings of others, plus also to enjoy the lovely company. It is pity that Top 5 can make you do this and make you enjoy yourself less. You have plenty skill in drawing and do not need cheating!

2. 7 Oct 2010 15:24


Very interesting observations, and very sad if true.

3. 7 Oct 2010 16:18


If the person is so clever and his pictures are so good, it's difficult to understand. Luckily I don't have many favorites!!!
We have so many talented people here.

4. 7 Oct 2010 16:52


I just wanted to point out an alternative.- whether or not this is the case- I don't know but it's worth considering.
Perhaps this user has a network of friends outside of TD who created profiles to follow their friend's artwork.- I know I have a few friends that have done that, just to keep tabs on me.- to my knowledge those friends have never voted for anyone but me. just a thought... call me an optimist

5. 7 Oct 2010 16:58


It's very possible Arw. I hope you are right.

6. 8 Oct 2010 02:00


I hope Arw is right. Anyway, if itsn't so, it's sad but I don't feel much annoyed by this. TD is still a beautiful community full of brilliant, creative and lovely persons, and some unfair guy sneaking into it don't chance the matter.
And... I would have all the time you have, GTAG, for doing all this watching and monitoring... I don't think it worth the time!

7. 8 Oct 2010 06:20


aaahh.. sorry, I got sucked in to this by accident and left comments on GTAG's last picture. Dunno why GTAG is suddenly 'I no spik Englis', when back in January he/she was leaving comments like :

'nope...uh...another, I'm bad at clues...uh...yeah...I'm coming up blank on clues...'

..does that really sound like the same person who could come up with

'I wish not to say who is this. '?

(I can not think of any language in which those words would be ordered in that way, so I believe the whole entry is 'made up').

I seem to remember that GTAG was another of those open user/password IDs that someone created, but I certainly can't remember what the password was and I think anyone who can, or has dug back to find out what it was, has a real problem..

I just think that if you have something to say, you should say it under your own user id, rather than hiding behind some anonymous persona.

8. 8 Oct 2010 07:06


??? I don't understand anything.....this is such a nice place here!

9. 8 Oct 2010 12:09


lol, Marg, you are so right. Saying you don't want to point fingers really makes using GTAG account seem childish. I'd be very curious who shared this information, but then again I'm pretty sure for some reason we won't find out this (ok, maybe I'm not very optimistic when it comes to using common accounts for writing down personal thoughts). The password was fun2play as far as I remember and it was a very cool game. Anyone caring to bring the fun back?

10. 8 Oct 2010 12:51


Ohhhh, after reading GTAG's comment here, I messaged at the last pic of GTAG...
Clorophilla, I'm with you.
To be honest, I was very shocked in the beginning and just wishing that Arw was right. But this is a good community for fun and no money involved, what's the big deal?

I didn't know about GTAG game and it looks like so much fun. Thank you for mentioning the password, Shanley. Let's play it sometime soon!

Well, whoever used the GTAG account here, I appreciate it because I get to know the game:)

11. 8 Oct 2010 13:06


Marg, I just read your comments on one of GTAG pics. Since I'm pretty new here (4 months old) and due to the limit of my English, I sometimes get so confused and misunderstand things but now I understand that GTAG is the open account to anyone and agree with you about 'hiding behind some anonymous persona'.
It's so annoying!

12. 8 Oct 2010 14:46


I too never knew about open account nicks, it sound funny if used for drawing; anyway, I think too that the use of an open account for voting or leaving anonimous comments or messages Should be discouraged in any way.

Now That I know that GTAG is not a clearly identifiable subject, but an anonymous, this topic and his/her message turn out very differently.

To still keep on this trend seems to me a waste of time.

13. 8 Oct 2010 18:29


If I remember right I believe Rachel and the TD team did make it impossible to vote from an common account (I could be wrong there though). I would advise anyone using that account for the game of guessing who the artist is to be careful of the pictures you submit, in the past there have been people who have gone into the account and deleted a bunch of other peoples pics just to be spiteful. I don't want to discourage people from playing but I just wouldn't want to see someone hurt again by losing a piece they spent hours on because of small minded pranksters.

14. 8 Oct 2010 20:37


Dragon, thank you for your advise, which I wouldn't know otherwise.
I thought it would be a great game but if that would happen, I probably won't do it. It's too bad that the game would be so much fun but on the same time, some unreasonable people limit others' possibility.

15. 9 Oct 2010 09:35


Sorry, Hanging. It didn't cross my mind to mention the loss of pics and I should've. I, myself, have been very disappointed when Che Guevarra's gothic portrait disappeared. Had spent quite some time on it and I was very satisfied with it at that time. Also some top5 works (one belonging to Arw) disappeared and other great works dissapeared (I can clearly remember Tracy Champman's portrait made by Pollyesther). Many artists had their work deleted. And unfortunately, as we all know....first time you draw something, you usually get the wanted results. The 'after-copy' is never as good as the original.
Still, GTAG is a nice game, even with the implied risks.

16. 9 Oct 2010 12:55


It is a fun game, I don't want to discourage people from playing, I just wanted to throw the warning out there.