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wow! thank you ginger... this was unexpected, and I haven't one single idea for the next challenge... mmmh... let me think for a while!


It is now the end of another great challenge. I had fun creating and judging this challenge, and now it is time for someone else to do the same. The winner of 'Challenge XLIV - Musical Inspiration' is Chlorophilla!
With this picture:
I felt this picture shows the movement of sound. When listening to the song, You could feel the sound waves and movement in this piece...
Congratulation Chlorophilla!

See ya!


last minute...

Definitively better to draw while listening the main theme of the movie!

Alan Silvestri for Contact, an oustanding SF movie, sadly so poorly awarded and known...


Hi everyone! Sorry, I keep forgetting to check the forum!
Clorophilla, the deadline is 5:00p.m., 8/24/10...I chose a time so I would be able to check all the entries before I shut down my computer for the night.
Hope that helps, and thank you to everyone that entered!
I am having a really tough time judging, seriously!
Peace Out!


* music, gotta love typos!