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... you're welcome here, with or without any more interesting ideas ... and if you ever have the will to draw again, that will be welcome too.


Ron, thanks to you for creating a great idea and sharing it with us. We took your idea and ran with it, not always sticking to the 'rules' but enjoying your idea none the less ... and yes, it did take on a life of its own.

The segregation of ThinkDraw and ThinkWrite does leave it somewhat detached but maybe ThinkWrite was becoming too big to remain in the ThinkDraw community forum ... I'm guessing.

If you have any more interesting ideas to share with us, I'm sure you will be made welcome here.


Hey folks...

I was bored tonight and had stopped in over at thinkwrites. But I thought I'd like to come back over here and see what had become of whatever it was to begin with.

And thanks all.

Sorry to see this thread die. The site is cool and all.

But it's not the same. It segregates art and artists in a clinical, even surgical manner.

I am depleted on ThinkDraw. I've allowed myself to become mean-spiritied and argumentative when I was simply not creative. I got lazy and stopped drawing here. And for all of that I apologize.

I think thinkwrites is a great idea (well - I would wouldn't I?) but I am so, so sad to see this thread die.

Congrats on everyone for everything.

It did take on a life of it's own.




I can add that I have the same troubles with the feedback pages, that's why I'm writing here!


sorry for writing here, but I was having a lot of trouble on TW site... I sign in and received the email, but never be able to open the link - it said "page not found".

it take a lot of time to build up the page, and this problem is quite on every page of the site.

anyway, after many attempt I managed to open the page of "finishing the story" and post a story on it. I never was able, yet, to add comments and today the whole page don't build up, and I still can't overview my story nor reply the comments.

instead, i read messages of system errors or simply "impossibile aprire la pagina" (=not possible to open the page) or "the page do not exist"

it's so frustrating!