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I am honored ... so many wonderful pictures. Thanks! I'll post a new challenge very soon....


...Congrats on winning the MugDots Bowl II... Hope you choose THONGS for the MugDots Bowl III...

... ...


Also I meant to add, I really am grateful for the terrific amount of participation. You great folks here at TD are what makes this a joy to look forward to. I thank you each!


Wow! This was so very hard to judge. If I had my druthers, I'd definitely pick (at least) 1st through 3rd place because so many were just absolutely stellar. That said though, I'd like to crown this challenge's winner so that they can decide what they'd like to do for the upcoming week.

So without further ado, the picture that most encapsulated the spirit of peace, in my way of thinking, is....


I loved it the moment I saw it! And to everyone else, you all did an absolutely wonderful job and I was thrilled to see where you guys were headed in your concepts. If only there could've been a tie!! Anyway, I hope fun was had and I appreciate, again, being able to do this. Thanks for the opportunity.

Congratulations five!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love your choice PEACE for this challenge it has such diversity, and its fun to see all the different interpretations everyone has come up with.