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Friends are like a safety net. If your sisters decide to silent-treatment you, a friend is always there to catch you.
When you decide to do something totally off-the-rocker-type, your friend goes along with it. (even if your sisters don't)
Your friend will race to see who can fit the most marshmallows in the hot chocolate mug. (even if your mom is really mad)
A good friend will play dress-up with you and re-enact the movie 'Finding Nemo', plus do your hair and paint your nails.
Your friend will tell you secrets and listen to your secrets in return. (but none of my secrets are about my sisters! yea, right)
I know all of this because I've done it all with my best friend, Nichole.
Good friends rock!


That's a good one Dragon. lol.


Friends are Gods way of apologizing to us for our families.


I like that, Doug. I will try to commit it to memory.
It's got me thinking about tsunami ... but decided I'm not going to go there!


Friendship is like the ocean.....the ebb and flow, the waves washing over the beach and even sometimes the rip tide.....but it's always there!