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ahhh im sorry td ... i was only trying to find out when thigs happen ... didnt realise that it was gonna turn into this .. oops sorry


Sorry, should have been clearer. All votes and favorites up to the time the list is released are counted.

We hadn't actually thought about the votes being messed with in those few days, so maybe it would have been better not to be clear!


Hiya ThinkDraw..

Sorry to be a bit thick, but does that mean that you take a snapshot as at the 3rd-4th of the month, so that everyone can rate pics and add to their favourites during the first couple of days in the month (or down-rate, by checking 'last month') ?

Or is the snapshot taken at midnight on the last day of the month, but it just takes a couple of days to schedule some time to process and release the Top 5 (in which case, no worries, we're happy whenevr you get around to it) ?


Top 5 for February is out - we try to do it on the 3rd of each month, but sometimes it is later.

The pictures are chosen by a combination of their ratings and the number of times they have been favorited until the time that we release the list.


OK QSilv and Heidi - I grasped the concept. I wasn't here when the last flame about ratings appeared, but I could perfectly imagine... OK, I also wish mysterious criteria!