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Oh my... Thanks...

I am quite unprepared... but will give it a whack soon...


Congrats matthew! And thanks to Login for a fun choice of challenges.


It’s decision time and what a difficult job I’ve had choosing from this great selection.

NADIA, Your depiction of Tall, Tall Trees is a delight … the trees are truly lovely. Lay You Down in a Bed of Roses is a very beautiful and poignant song and I get the feeling that this one came from the heart. However, as I received the baton from you, I can’t pass it back. Thanks for two excellent entries.

Maddyjean, your school bus was an amusing depiction of the song title. Thanks for getting the ball rolling in this challenge.

Dragon, always one to come up with a comedy song but, if we took it seriously, what on earth would Baldur live on? I enjoyed your drawing but Baldur must live on!

Mouse, your excellent drawing of a bridge depicted one of my favourite songs: Bridge Over Troubled Waters is still playing in my head.

Arw, I Shot The Sherriff is depicted by another of your excellent drawings. The Llama drawing, for that crazy song of the same name, is equally impressive. Thanks for two great contributions.

So, we are left with the two songs from matthew: Christine Aguilera’s ‘Reflection’ is a beautiful song and your depiction does it justice. However, it was the stunning sky in your depiction of ‘Sunrise, Sunset’ that held my attention the longest. I pass the baton to you for the next Mugdots Challenge.

Thanks to you all for giving me so much enjoyment … I played all the songs and got sidetracked after each one, hence the late handing over of the baton.


Sunrise, Sunset (Fiddler on the roof)


Like A Bridge Over Troubled Waters