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maddyjean: ThinkDraw as far as I know is a community and we have always welcomed suggestions through the forums. Don't get frustrated and post negative comments. Is there room for another writing "arm" of ThinkDraw? I love to write and ThinkWrite has got me doing that again. I may give a shot at your challenge. Don't give up! Be positive.


I am really interested in your challenge maddyjean, I just have so much on my plate right now. I'm trying to think of a story for Doug's challenge right now but I'll try to add one here when I've got time.


No one likes my horrible crime scene theme, huh? Well them, don't right. It's just the thought of being able to choose a winner and read a bunch of great stories is fantastic! Ok, fine. The word count is now 340 to 360. Better?


Thanks, again!


I don't write but I wish you all the luck in the world.