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WOW. Thanks, Peasy. This is such a brilliant group of creative thinkers. I know that creativity works best under some disciplined restraints - like ThinkDraw. What do you do with a bunch of eyeballs, noses and feathers? It's amazing what people come up with.

I assume I'm supposed to just start a new thread under the Community links. If it's any more complicated than that, let me know. I'll start it up tomorrow - 10/2.


I'm ready to hand off the torch now. We haven't had an entry today, and it may be that I , in my inexperience, may have given too much time for XXII.

It has been a fine thread with several great entries. Singling one story out as best would be nearly impossible. They were all teriffic.

Relationship stories seemed to be the most common, authored by midnight poet, dragon's Demons, and mouse's The Promise. Each of these were cleverly written. I loved both of Doug's entries, and enjoyed seeing him step out of the box with his Random Thoughts. Dragon's Persistance of Seagulls was great as well!

Giraffe- you wrote a story that evoked an unexpected range of emotions in me. I was both humored and enraged in less than 275 words, and the way you wrote the words allowed me to quickly form a picture of this man in my mind. While everyone's stories were quite good, your story about the sex offender just seemed to deserve the torch. So congratulations Giraffe, you are the new torch bearer for TW XXIII!!!

Thanks, again, to everyone who participated! I had a lot of fun. I hope you did too!


Giraffe- I am pretty much a newbie here at TD, and everyone (except for the "phantom 1 voter") is very cool. People are oppinionated, but religion and politics are topics I try to avoid if I'm in a crowd. There are alot of sweethearts here, and I don't want to ruin a good thing by talking about politics, or the like. Keep on having fun!!! TTYAW(after work)!!


Doug- I am so sorry. I didn't even know if I should ask about it. I heard on the radio about the recorded "violation" messages, and saw the "stormtroopers" and thought the same thing as you said... Thought to myself, "those people must feel like they're in some communist or dictated country." Sorry bout the damage and physical irritation the whole mess caused. Hang in there, bro.!


Doug, Dragon, Peasy et al, I went through the Vietnam war protests where both sides had temper flaring. At least the protests happened on college campuses only. Even so, there were students maimed, tear gassed and even killed. It was an awful time.

I like ThinkDraw and ThinkWrite because this is how people should behave in a creative, healing way. I haven't seen any animousity in this group.