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Yoohoo... Coho... Where are you...


Nice one, matthew.


I missed this one, but I will toss this in anyway...

Congrats Coho...


Congratulations coho! im looking forward to the next challenge!


So sorry to have gone absent on this one. We had unexpected visitors on Friday night and they left this evening. I enjoyed their company but now have so much catching up to do.

The response to this challenge far exceeded my expectations. The drawings are delightful, without exception. They vary from downright beautiful to seriously interesting.

gwinny’s talent shone through with ‘Chief Joseph’ … a drawing that made Top 5.
Arw contributed four drawings, one of which I consider to be the most beautiful in this thread … ‘On the Range’.
a4e4ka contributed no less than six really good drawings, of which ‘Wild West’ made Top 5.
five’s drawing of a tepee, ‘centered’, is delightful.
Mrozowski contributed four drawings, of which ‘The Duke (2nd)’ and ‘Westward Ho’ are superb.
NADIA and mebu both made pleasantly interesting contributions with ‘Indian Maiden’ and ‘cactus of the old west’.

Finally I come to the three contributions from coho. ‘Sitting Bull’ is an excellent portrait but the two drawings featuring Betsy from Pike and her lover Ike grabbed my attention because I like that song so much. They tell a story and, for that reason, I hand the gauntlet to coho and look forward to Mugdots challenge XXXV.

I enjoyed every one of the pictures in this challenge. Thanks for putting on a great show