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That's pretty close to my method too matthew. I tick them as I go along. I only pick the one's that really are my fav's. I don't really look at them and say 'Now is that Top-5 worthy or not'. I had a terrible time last month because I did the Mugdots challenge with Dragons as a theme and I very quickly filled my fav's with those. That was fairly early in the month and I had to get ruthless later on. Some of my fav's are one's that are personal to me, like some of the birthday wishes I rec'd and I just loved them so much I had to keep them where I could see them.


I start off day 1 choosing my favorites... Once I have filled all 5 slots in a category, & a top 5 worthy pic comes up, I decide like this...

If the new pic is better than a currently chosen pic, then I do not hesitate... The new pic will replace the old...

If the new pic is "equal" or I can not decide if it is "better" than the old one then the old pic stays...

If you are a person that tends to second guess yourself, The favorite selection process will second guess you to death... By the end of any given month, there are way more than 5 deserving pics in each category... So find a process that works for you and stick with it...

And may God have mercy on us all...


I have to admit that, for August, I allocated my 'favourite' nominations whenever I saw a picture that moved me. The problem was that I ran out of nominations before we were half way through the month ... and I had to make gut wrenching decisions when even more stunning drawings cropped up later in the month. I hated unticking pre-selected 'favourites' but I did it.

For September I created category lists in a Word document and made my decisions on paper on the last day of the month. It was labour intensive but worth the effort. Not all my favourites made it but, happily, some of those that I unticked did.


Same as Login. I begin favoriting and when I run out of favorites, I never take away what I have given. It might be unfair to the people who draw superb pics the last days of the month.... but what can I do? As Login says many of them DO get a Top 5 anyway.


'Must add that many of those drawings I wanted to favourite (but ran out of 'votes') achieved Top 5 places, anyway.