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I think Manx cats are inherently too darn bold. Mine would probably have tried to case the bear off if it happened to me. (The other 2 cats would have been securely under the bed or perhaps on top of my head)


Nice one, Chinky.

I think the badly played accordian would scare me off too, especially coming suddenly from above me. The scariest thing I ever see around here are big spiders ... 'make me shudder, even though they are harmless. It must be some inherited memory from way back in my ancestral stoneage days.




And no I don't have a hatch to slam shut but I do have a fire hydrant sized can of bear spray and an accordian that I have chased bears with successfully several times. I've never used the spray but if you press as many buttons on an accordian as you can and madly squeeze in and out at the same time while yelling at a bear, A bear confronted by really bad accordian playing will always turn tail and run.


The kittens were allright thank god ! tho the little manx is tooo sure of himself, he was calmly sitting on the back of a chair watching the bear, the other two were sensibly hiding under the couch. Alas Herman was nabbed by a bobcat in the middle of the afternoon, several months ago and I still miss him.