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=)Brandon im so glad you're not quitting...your pics always make me smile and you are one of my favorites on TD


Hey Brandon!

Don't you dare quit! Serious up!

Your art skills need work. So does mine.

BUT! And it's a big but (like matthew's)...

You are one of the funniest artists on this site. I check your personal gallery all the time and try to leave comments.

My own nephew fell in love with this site but only used it to draw - he never Submitted. I showed him your gallery and viola! He's on board now as well. (He likes your stuff!)

Stick with it.

We're all working hard to find a way to be fair with so many different skill levels but there are a lot of people with a lot of thoughts.

You can't be heard if you're not around.

Stick with it...


Rachel will hear your concerns and continues to improve this site to make it better for everyone... See the "I Do Care" post & see that we have asked for "Newbie top 5" & "Childrens top 5"... That will be nice if we can get it...


Don't you give up either, bart34. Your ideas may not be getting much attention yet ... but the more you practice , the more interesting your drawings will become. Your US flag was a good try ... but the real flag has many more stars and stripes. Ok, that is difficult to do in such a small space, so think of something that you CAN draw in that small square, something simple that everyone will recognise. Keep practicing and good luck.


Yeh! Mission accomplished! Never give up!