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We're all our own worst critics aren't we. I never noticed most of the 'mistakes' that have been posted here, and some of the pics are ones I've really loved (and still do).


PS Gotta say dear TD folks, I looked through all the pics submitted here and all the "mistakes." And guess what - your pics look just as good to me now as they did before I knew what you'd change if you could. [MY mistakes however, are still glaring.] This is cracking me up!


First, anotherronism - this is a fun topic. And, I didn't even notice the "square" head on your mummy! It looks fine to me! Now for my strange errors.

The kayak is backwards. Yep, the kid is facing the stern and should be facing the bow. Not sure if this was caused by my dyslexia, but it was driving me crazy & I was thrilled it got voted down!

I had a great deal of trouble making Matt's face look up. Everything in me wanted his face looking straight ahead even though the picture showed him looking up. Right after submission I noticed my "desire" won out a bit because his ear is where it would be if he WERE looking straight ahead. Sigh.

I had this idea of a witch living in this house and sneaking around from behind when someone came to the door. The idea didn't translate to the picture. Not sure what folks thought that black shadow to the left was ... but no one thought it was a witch and when I looked at it again, I didn't think it was a witch either.

This one was a bigger challenge than I felt I could handle and it vanished two times just as I was about to submit! By the third try I was tremendously nervous it would disappear again. After submission, I discovered a funny pink piece on the strap of her dress. Where did it come from? Why was it there? I don't know. At least it wasn't a glaring error cause with three tries I'd already put countless hours into that pic.

You can see it in the playback, I had made both feet just how I wanted them then realized as I was doing the tail that I would have to cover the right foot and redo it. It didn’t turn out as good. Also I simply couldn’t get the tail lines to come out straight and I was starting to get really sick of trying.
I really wish I had made her arms longer. Other than that I love the way this pic turned out.
I drew the Sirens first on this one and when I put in Odysseus he was quite a bit higher than I had meant him to be so they’re kind of looking at the water instead of him.


Had plans to clean up the yellow around his eye, but forgot to get back to it...

Forgot to give myself a face...

She has no neck...

Forgot to draw the neck line below his ear before I went on to his shirt & jacket... Made his neck look skinny & his ear look... OMG!!!...