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Angela said - The value of your drawings is in your drawings, and not in a vote.

She has hit the nail right on the head. That simple phrase says so much and I totally agree with it!
Oh, and Angela, I have always very much enjoyed your pictures even if I don't comment much. They are always so fun and clever and I grin when I see them in the gallery. Whatever "the Circle" is it fluctuates from day to day and I don't think anyone really knows who's in it and who isn't. I would be sad if I stopped seeing your pics and I'm sure there are plenty of others who feel the same, so perhaps that's a different kind of circle. What I'm basically trying to say is that I hope you realize what a valued member of this community you are.


That would be lynnspotter (with 2 n's) sorry.


You're right lynspotter. There is no circle that is excluding anyone. Almost everyone is supportive, and managment is awesomely responsive.


Who is in a circle? Who is out? I thought WE were all HERE on TD TOGETHER!! Sometimes we go through moods or snits, but so far NO ONE has got me so bent that I never want to 'see' someone again! Love all the talent here- drawn, written, information, humor, poems, cryptograms, concerns, prayers, etc. Isn't this just a great site!


lynnspotter, I hear ya. Right on, high five, you go, Angela. All that voting talk on some of the extremely creative artists' work has turned me off. It was getting fierce. I was getting caught up into it. So I decided to say adios. I always figured no votes meant it wasn't someone's cup of tea, or people were to busy creating to vote/comment. No worries. I REALLY just enjoyed creating and looking at the fabulous representations of the mind. It was very relaxing, but I got turned off by the vote pooh, whatever!!!! I just liked the challenge. I appreciated the comments, too, they were hot...especially from an artist who never commented before. That would prompt me to look at their Gallery and try to raise my game. So, today, after reading your comments, I say "Let's draw, fugettabout", and have fuuuuuuuun." I'mmmmm baaaaccckkk."