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I wouldn't mind demons ang ghosts, i think it'd be fun to do something different!


WOwwww! Thanks Marius. First of all I'm shocked to heck. That pik was so "lame" trust me. I'll get started on the next Mugdots chapter as soon as I take my feet out of my mouth! Thanks!! Oh me oh my, better consult with the wife or research a little bit or it will be demons and ghosts. lol.


congrats Doug!


Wow - many thanks to everyone for contributions to this challenge!

Not sure how to choose as I love all of these pics in their own way. Right now there are visions of trampolines, space monkeys waving, a little green guy, an astronaut toy, shoes that work like moon boots to keep you from going airborne; and there are sounds too ... chicken rockets, pigs flying, skiis and magic carpets swooshing through the air, sneezes of great magnitude, and a song whose lyrics say, 'up up and away.' But the one thing that keeps coming back is the hilarity found in "lame," which is how Doug described his chicken rocket/flying pigs pic. Also enjoy his bug rises forth! So, Doug, can't wait to see what theme you pick for Mugdots Challenge XXIII!


Hot Air Balloon Ride!