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Thanks Charity. It IS funny that way. This one was right off the cuff. But I enjoyed writing it and am glad someone enjoyed reading it.

On to a new list (you're all going to hate me btw


WOW was this week's entries amazing!! There were few pieces, but all of them great! It's a really hard choice to pass the torch!

Dragon: I don't know if we are similar people or what but I can personally identify with all of your pieces!! Thunder box - I L O V E Nascar, so yeah, could feel it...makes me think of Talledega nights though...THERE'S A COUGAR IN THE CAR!! HAHA!! sorry...nevermind. Family at Risk was hilarious especially since the first time I read it I thought the kids were the ones telling the parents time for bed! And Storm woman was great, nicely written.

KM: Deception was a very thoughtful piece, what a person goes through when they pick certain careers.

Doug: Liver is a River was poignant, I have a friend who has struggled with alcoholism since he was in college, it's so hard...and please feel free to blog on my "dime" anytime I love literature and what it makes us feel and express and talk about. The doll house is incredibly creepy, *shudder*, why would you do that? We have these glowing crosses (they're solar or something) that people have started putting on graves around here, so you drive by at night and there are all these faint blue lights out there. Creepy!

Ron: "Funny that way" Wow. The way you wrote it so you were in his head, piecing it together like that. I REALLY enjoyed that piece. And I'm sure it wasn't your "best" or anything, but I think I admire it so much because I would have never thought to write something like that. I know my own limitations and the "fields" I'm comfortable writing in. It was just nicely done.

Robin: GO FREE THAT MONKEY!!! I Can't believe that's even legal! Poor little guy, he's probably hooked on nicotine now though from all that second-hand smoke, if you broke him loose you'd have to have a pack or two to get him through the withdrawals!!

Enough chatter, sorry, I just really enjoyed everyone's.

I'm passing the torch to Ron. Have fun!


Ok here's a last minute one.

Storm Woman

“I had that dream again.”

“Oh, the one with the blue monkey trapped in the bullet-proof box?”

“No, the one with Storm Woman. She was really quite impressive last night. She stood before me on a stark, dusty plain and her silvery hair blew all around her like she was at the center of a tempest though not even the slightest breeze touched me. Her expression was smooth, but that was deceiving because I could tell she was angry with me. She opened her mouth to speak but instead of a voice only rumbling peals of thunder came out. I got closer than I ever have before, and when I reached out she looked at me with those blank sparking eyes. She reached back to me, when we touched I could feel energy moving through my every nerve like she was a lightning strike and I was her conduit. It was so eerie.”

“Well at least she wasn’t a blue monkey. More tea hon?”


Robin - loved your story, short and sweet! Very good.


Good story - how about an escape from certain characters that you ended begrudgingly going bowling with?