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It could start out as the continuation of the thinkwrite thread.

The first torchbearer would chose the word list and the theme with the word list fitting the theme (hopefully) although it might be fun to make the think/draw/writers try to fit the words into the theme. But for the first round either art or writing would be accepted in the thread. The art being based on the theme, the word list, or one of the stories posted. For the first round (have to have a catchy name) the torchbearer would pick the best story, and then the best story torchbearer would pick the best art. So those two would have say a week to come up with their respective ideas. The story torchbearer picking the word list and the art torchbearer picking the the art theme. Then the stories and art from then on would have to reflect both torchbearers theme and list and once again after so many days the two torchbearers would chose their respective winners.

ok i know it mad, mad, mad...but I'm trying. I like your idea. Doesn't seem to want to fall to the bottom of the ocean does it? If it fails then you the grand designer could end it with a final contest and let it drop.


Mmm ... I'm not sure I want a mind implant, Ron ... well, not just yet anyway.

I can see what you're getting at here, but you're right, we're not ready for it.

Keep the ideas coming though ... most of them are workable.


Okay - let's kill this thread. I think I said it was a vague idea. I don't really "get it" myself.

The thought was to "grow" ThinkWrite to include art pieces. This is ThinkDraw after all.

And I had this notion that folks might draw pieces based on the ThinkWrite wordlist and that those pieces might inspire the next round of ThinkWrite via concept or idea. Some kind of wierd cross-medium collaboration.

Here's an example:

This week I got the torch in TW. I chose a them vs. a basic list. This was an idea rather than a specific list (although a list was provided within the framework of TW.)

In the TTT universe - some non-writers might submit art instead. A torch would be granted to the best/most entertaining piece of art. That new art torch bearer would pick an art them which hopefully would inspire the next TW torch bearer which would drive the next word list. Essentially there would be three torch bearers all at once each contributing/suggesting the next round of art/concept/wordlist.

But I realize now that this in untenible. It might work in a room if we were all together. Maybe.

But in this forum it just cannot. The lagtime is too great and the three facets would never meld.

So please accept my apologies.

I think things and sometimes I post them. But oftentimes I don't think them through.

Art driving ideas driving fiction driving art driving ideas which drive fiction is just too cool an idea to me.

But we're not ready for it. Not this way anyway.

Sorry again for the confusion.

Let's close this thread and let it drop to the bottom of the forum ocean.

But I do suggest we revisit it when we all have iPhone mind implants and real-time thought transfer. (What, say eight - maybe nine years from now?)


So Ron I'm still waiting for more information on your germ of an idea.

What's up? Still thinkthinkthinking away?

Drop a kernel our way.


Kinda like "Telephone" or "Ad Libs" yes? I mean in that no "torch bearer", either in Art, Idea, or Story will know what the others are thinking until it's posted.

Or am I too completely flummoxed?