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Alas... Must I bear this great weight... A golden pen by any other name would still leak ink on my dang shirt...

Glad you liked my pic Login... Hope I can do y'all justice...


This turned out to be much harder than I expected ... but I enjoyed finding them to listen to ... there were some golden oldies as well as some I'd never heard of (only two that I couldn't access).

However. it's about the drawings, as well as the music ... and they were all good. Some were very amusing and others were more serious ... I enjoyed them all.

After much deliberation I hand the Golden Pen to matthew for Red Dirt Road. I hope you've got the time for this, matthew.


We are on the final day folks ... just a few hours left til midnight TD time. I will be playing all these songs tomorrow morning (UK time) and handing on the Golden Pen to the best song / drawing. It's a fantastic line-up so far ... thanks for a great response.


For those who like country music... "Red Dirt Road"


The Monster Mash ~