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LOL w/ Login... & spluttering my morning tea.. (this can't be good for keyboards..)

Ron! That's a pearl! THANK you!!!


You're right, Baldur ... I have often come across alternative representations of dates in Roman numerals ... and I always (compulsively) convert it in my mind to what has now become the accepted 'norm'. It's a good mental excercise and quite harmless ... until one starts correcting others. Carry on as 'normal' folks and I look forward to Mugdots Challenge MDDDDIIIIIIIIII.


Folks... Google has a wonderful "hidden" feature called "convert".

Just go to Google and type in "Convert 22 to roman" or "Convert 33 gallons to teaspoons" or whatever. I've used it forever and I've never once had to rephrase my question.


Baldur reveals yet another facet of his mind--a great grasp of Roman numerals--love it!


Baldur, I'm surprised at your knowledge of Roman numerals. You must be a very well-read person or maybe a history or math teacher?