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UH oh.... I worry a little that you'll discover there's more to the world than TD! lol...
Please do come back to TD whenever you can. Your vision and craft are delightful and will truly be missed.


a4 I hope your computer woes take a turn for the better...I will miss your art!


We hope not to be missing you and your art for very long. Some suggestions:
1. Our school district used to have a free "lending" program (laptops).
2. Some schools sell old computers cheap - often only a year or two old.
3. Our local school tech department employs select high school students as computer technicians. The place where I worked used to hire these kids to repair and upgrade our computers, systems, etc. The price is right and these kids know their stuff. (Just remember, they ARE kids and can get over-zealous with their skills, wanting to add all kinds of bells and whistles to your system that you don't need or want! Other than that - we loved our computer tech kids!)
4. In the meanwhile, can you access TD from your local library?


Sorry to hear you bad news!! Hope your back soon!!


Yes, please come back soon. I love your art.