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Congratulation Login!
And are you sure it's MMIX??????
ha ha ha ha


Ok, Login you've got to start the thread... I've a drawing to post and no place to do it!!!


Goodness! Thank you, Watzup ... I'm honoured, especially as it was a scruffy drawing. There are not so many regulars drawing these days, so I will have to try to make it broadly appealing. Hmmm ... well, some time back, we had a fantastic showcase for Songtitles. It was by far the most subscribed to Showcase and the drawings just kept coming, right up to the last minute. So that's my choice ... Songtitles. They can be as simple or as complicated as you like, but don't make us guess ... use the song title that the drawing represents. For those who need ideas, have a look in Songtitles Showcase, but try not to repeat what has already been done. However, there will be no penalties for duplications, just so long as you don't copy a picture that has been done in the Songtitles Showcase. Cut off time will be midnight TD time on Sunday 19th July MMIX. I will hand on the Golden Pen the following day. Let's put on a good show.


So the time has come.... so many great ideas, but only two of them drawn! After much deliberation and with thanks to Qsilv for her legendary Johnny Appleseed, the winner is Login! I wnet for the worldwide appeal of her cheeky fella. Off you go then Login, the Golden Pen Challenge awaits. It'll be a challenge to get anyone to draw! lol!


I was a twinkle in mid-50's so probably missed out on Dan Dare by only a few years. Will look him up. Am having lots of fun though - thinking we were all twinkles at one time! It is cracking me up! : )