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So long as you always hit Save Draft before leaving it should be there. If you Load Draft and don't add any pieces you still have to hit Save Draft or it will dissapear. (Though I know some people have had trouble with coming back after definitly saving and they can't get a pic to load, I've heard some say if you try from a different computer you can sometimes load it again.)


Not always Baldar - I had drafts saved in all topics and when I went back to retrieve them most were gone. And I spent a lot of time on them too! So disappointing. So maybe if you sign out? they get erased?


ladybird7, go to the same place where you clicked; 'Save Draft', it should now say 'Load Draft' When you click on that the saved drawing reappears.


coluld youplese tell me where are my drafts? i cant find them, i just clicked save draft, then my pic disapered, and now i cannot find it:S