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I'm SO incredibly honored! I don't know what to say! Everyone here writes so well, this list has been a lot of fun...Thank you Midnight, thank you so much! I will get a new word list ASAP, I'm just too giddy right


My daughter is having a nuclear melt down. I need to attend to her, I can't spend anymore time thinking about this, so I'm going to go with my first instinct and pass the torch to Charity for "Adult ADD" Can't wait to see your word list!


Okay, I finally have a free second, so here are my comments.

Robin, “How I Died, by an Old Lady” was absolutely hilarious. It was a great take on a funny song, and I loved the piece. But as that song has always creeped me out in a weird way, I cannot pick it.

Ron, I quite enjoyed “Route 204 Is Icy As Hell”. It captured the essence of teenagers today, I think…but as I’ve never read Catcher in Rye, I don’t quite get the reference, so, alas, I cannot choose that one. “Why We Fight” was good also. But it didn’t hold anything for me, sorry.

Mebu, “Small Town Murder” was wonderful, and right up my alley. I love stories about gruesome murders. And the way the ending tied back to the beginning was wonderful. But can I pick it? I don’t know. I’ll come back.

Charity, “Tea Time” was something I could really identify with, as was “Adult ADD”. They both could be stories from my life, and they were quite well written. I’m going to have to give them both another read before I make my decision.

Dragon, I LOVED “Ruminations on a Life Unlived.” I did see the ending coming, but I loved it anyway. This one probably would be my pick if it weren’t for the fact that I chose you as the torch bearer last time I bore the torch. It wouldn’t seem just to me to pick you again.

Five, your ability to write dialog always amazes me. “Papers” was no exception. I could feel the tension between the two, and it felt so real. I don’t know what else to say about it. It was superb, as all your pieces are.

Login, the ending on “Colour My World” was a shock to me, but as I reread it, I see the implications of it in the story. I can even excuse you for editing out two of the words because the story was so great.

Ztormy (aka Mommy), I loved “The Gossip Mill”. I felt like I was sitting across from a gossipy woman as she told me this tale in quick sentences with a gleam in her eye. I can’t pick you because you’re my mom and that would be favoritism, but I did love the story.

And there, all my comments on all the stories. Now back to give my favorites another read, and I’ll have a new torch bearer soon.


there's too much going on for me right now. I'll announce a new torch bearer when things calm down.